List of some important
Contemporary Documents
Cardinal Pietro Corsini, De electione Urbani VII (sic!) antipapae anno 1378 (ms. Vat. Lat. 8497) [Vincenzo Forcella, Catalogo dei manoscritti relativi alla storia di Roma I (Roma 1879), p. 218, no. 643]
Lucas d' Achery, OSB, Cong. S. Mauri, Veterum aliquot scriptorum, qui in Galliae bibliothecis, maxime Benedictinorum latuerant, spicilegium Tomus Sextus (Parisiis: apud Carolum Savreux, 1664):
Cesar du Boulay [Bulaeus], Historia Universitatis Parisiensis Tomus quartus (Parisiis: apud Franciscum Noel 1665):
- Letter of the Cardinals in Rome to the Cardinals in Avignon, announcing the Election of Urban VI. April 19, 1378. (p. 465)
- Letter of the Cardinals in Anagni, credentials for Nicholas de S. Saturnino to King Charles V of France. July 15, 1378. (pp. 465-466). [Denifle, 1607].
- Letter of Marsilius of Inghen to the University of Paris, from Tivoli July 27, 1378 (pp. 466-467) [Denifle, 1608].
- Letter of the Cardinals at Anagni to Bartolomeo Prignano. [July 1378] (pp. 467-468) [Martène-Durand VII, 433-435].
- Declaration of the Cardinals at Anagni against Bartolomeo Prignano. "Cum propter falsam" August 2, 1378. (pp. 468-474) [Baluzius II, CXCII].
- Letter of the Cardinals at Anagni, denouncing Bartolomeo Prignano as an Intruder. August 9, 1378. (pp. 474-476) [Baluzius I, 467-472]
- Letter of the Cardinals at Anagni to Louis, Duc d' Anjou. "Quia urget nos". August 15, 1378. (p. 476).
- Letter of the Cardinals at Anagni to Louis, Duc d' Anjou. "Cum subito et ex abrupto". August 9, 1378. (pp. 476-478).
- Letter of the Cardinals at Anagni to the University of Paris. "Scripsisse nos vobis". August 21, 1378 (p. 479). [Maratu, 87-88; Denifle, 1609]
- Letter of Peter Amelii, Archbishop of Embrun, to his friend Joannes de Calore, Chancellor of Notre Dame de Paris, stating that there is still a vacancy in the papal throne. Avignon, September 7, 1378 (pp. 479-480) [Denifle, 1610, pp. 556-557].
- Letter of Urban VI to the University of Paris. "Inter imo supra". November 30 (? 21?), 1378 (p. 481).
- "Factum D. Ioannis de Lignano super electione Urbani, missum Universitati Parisiensi" (pp. 482-485).
- "Factum Magistri et Domini Jacobi de Seva, missum Universitati Parisiensi, super electione Urbani" July 3, 1378 (485-514). [legal brief for Urban VI] [cf. Baluzius I, 1082-1084] [Excerpts in J.-B. Christophe, L' histoire de la papauté pendant le XIV. siècle Tome troisième (Paris 1853), pp. 456-463.]
- Letter of Cardinal Pileus de Pratis, Archbishop of Ravenna, to Louis, Count of Flanders. From Venice, December 15, 1378. (pp. 514-518). [Pileus was made a Cardinal by Urban VI on September 18, 1378; he renounced Urban for Pope Clement VII in 1387] [Also in Luca d' Achery, Veterum aliquot scriptorum spicilegium Tomus Quartus (Parisiis 1661) 301-309]
- "Expositio Missi Regii ad Comitem Flandrum facta" (pp. 520-522). [anti-Bartholomeo]
- "Tradita Comiti Flandriae et eius Consilio per D. Ioannem Fabri Abbatem S. Vedasti missum ex parte Regis Franciae" (pp. 523-526).
- "Italici Cardinales ad Principes" (pp. 526-529, from Bzovius). [This is the Cardinal of Florence's addition to the Casus of the Three Italian Cardinals, Gayet II, 22-26].
- Tractatus factus in favorem Electionis Clementis Papae VII, a Reverendissimo D. Petro de Barreria Cardinali Eduensi, contra D. Ioannem de Lignano Doctorem Bononiensem". (pp. 529-555). [a thorough refutation of Giovanni di Legnano]
- "Tractatus Magistrorum Parisiensium, editus per quendam legum Doctorem, Priorem Carnotensem" (pp. 555-564).
- Declaratio Universitatis Parisiensis in favorem electionis Clementis Papae VII, ad instantiam Regis Caroli V". May 22-26, 1379. (pp. 566-574)
- Henricus de Hassia, Epistola pacis (pp. 574-578 [778, mispaginated by printer])
- Letter of Pope Clement VII to the University of Paris. Avignon, July 26, 1379 (pp. 578-579 [778-779, mispaginated by printer])
- Letter of Peter, Infante of Aragon, to King Charles V, in favor of Urban, after Jesus spoke to him, late on March 30. April 1, 1380 (p. 581).
Stephanus Baluzius [Étienne Baluze], Vitae Paparum Avinionensium Volume 1 (Paris: apud Franciscum Muguet 1693):
- Letter of thirteen Cardinals, August 9, 1378, denouncing Urban VI as an Intruder (columns 467-472 and again at 541-547).
- Letter of Urban VI to the University of Paris, from Rome, November 21, 1378 (columns 549-551). [same as Du Boulay, p. 481, but with a date of XI k. Dec. rather than II k. Dec.]
- Letter of King Edward III of England to the Schismatic Cardinals (columns 553-556) [Baluzius I, 1405-1406, is aware this this 'letter' is a forgery; he labels it a "declamatio furiosa cujusdam Angli adversus Cardinales Gallicos."] (embedded in the Life of Clement VII by Petrus de Herentals)
- The Election of Pope Clement VII at Fundi (columns 1048-1051).
- Excerpt from Responses of Bonifacius Amanatis, legum doctor, on the plan of the Roman Officials (colums 1064-1065).
- Deposition of Didacus Martini de Urduña, Canon of Toledo [selection] (column 1073).
- Deposition of Thomas of Acerno, Bishop of Lucera, on the position of Cardinal Orsini at his death (column 1099).
- Testimony of Garsias Martini, Bishop-elect of Orense (Auriensis) in Spain (columns 1101, 1103)
- Remark of Alvarus Martini, Castilian Ambassador, about Cardinal de Luna's study, at Agnani around June 24, of the validity of Urban's election (column 1182).
- Responses of Fernandus Petri, on the summoning of Cardinal de Luna on the morning of Friday, April 9 (excerpt) (columns 1189-1191).
- Deposition of Fra Bartholomeus, OCarm. (excerpt) (columns 1220-1221).
- Letters about the election of Urban VI (column 1226).
- Remarks concerning Bernard de la Sala and the Battle of Ponte Salario (columns 464-465, 1198-1199; 1231-1232).
- Deposition of Senator Guido de Pruinis (excerpts) (columns 1228-1230).
- Remarks of Rodericus Bernardi, ambassador of King Juan of Castile, about Joannes de Lignano, and his visit to Rome in 1380 (Columns 1401-1403)
- Notes of Cardinal Pietro Corsini (Florentinus) in Bib. Colbertiana 815, on the beginning of the voting in the morning of April 8 (columns 1040-104 ).
- Excerpts from Responses of Cardinal de Britania to interrogatories of the Ambassadors of Castile (columns 1137, 1143, 1227, 1237, 1270).
- Excerpt from Deposition of Cardinal Pierre de Sortenac, "Vivariensis" (column 1454).
- Excerpts from Deposition of Cardinal Pierre Flandrin on the election of Clement VII (columns 1454-1455).
- Excerpt from Deposition of Gilabertus de Thodmigen, Litterarum Apostolicarum Abbreviator et Scriptor: Italian cardinals after election of Clement VII (column 1455).
- Excerpt from Deposition of Alfonso Azero, Archdeacon of Metina in the Diocese of Salmanca (column 1458).
- Excerpts from documents concerning Onorato Caetani, Count of Fundi (columns 1470-1472).
- Excerpts from documents of Frater Angelo de Spoleto, Minister General of the Friars Minor (columns 1106-1107, 1286, 1289, 1453-1454)
- Baluze provides a list of the various casus, facta, tractates, allegations, and other controversial documents, in approximate chronological order, at columns 1292-1295
Stephanus Baluzius [Étienne Baluze], Vitae Paparum Avinionensium Volume 2 (Paris: apud Franciscum Muguet 1693):
- CXC: Letter of Petrus Gaudelini, Castellan of the Castel St Angelo to the Cardinals at Avignon, written after the election of Urban VI, with the reply of the Cardinals, dated July 3, 1378 (columns 813-815)
- CXCI: Notarized protestation of Cardinal Bertrandus Atgerius (Bertrand Lagier), OFM (Bishop of Ostia from April, 1378), dated December 10, 1378, given before his entry into the Conclave of April, 1378. (columns 815-821)
- CXCII: Declaration of Cardinals against Bartolomeo Prignano, intruded into the Papacy as Urban VI, August 2, 1378 (columns 821-836).
- CXCIII: Letter of the Camerlengo S.R.E, Pierre de Cros, Archbishop of Arles, to papal collectors of revenue, against Bartolomeo Prignano, (columns 836-837).
- CXCIV: Encyclical Letter of the Cardinals who elected Clement VII (Robert of Geneva) on September 20, 1378, notifying the Church of the election and coronation (columns 837-845).
- CXCV: Letter of seven Cardinals at Avignon, dated March 8, 1379, declaring in favor of Pope Clement VII and against the intrusive Bartolomeo Prignano, once Archbishop of Bari, calling himself Urban VI (columns 845-846).
- CXCVI: Letter of the Cardinals, August 24, 1379, advising all Christians to adhere to Pope Clement VII (columns 846-848).
- CXCIX: Letter of Cardinal Pierre de Monteruc (Pampilonensis), who had not participated in the conclaves of 1378, to Louis, Count of Flanders, endorsing Clement VII and condemning Bartolomeo Prignano, July 23, 1379 (columns 851-853).
- CC: Letter of Pope Clement VII to King Juan of Castile, May 26, 1380, acknowledging the arrival of Ambassadors from the King (Fra Fernando, OFM, the King's confessor; Rodrigo Bernardi, one of the Pope's Auditors; and Alvaro Melendi, legum Doctor; with a commission to gather information about the conclave of April, 1378, especially from the Cardinals (columns 853-854)
- CCXVI: Declaration of the King of Castile in favor of Clement VII, Salamanca, May 19, 1381 (columns 920-928).
- CCXIX: Depositions of Six Cardinals on the facto of 'impressio' (compulsion) in the Conclave of April 1378 (columns 935-943).
- CCXX: Declaration of the University of Paris in favor of Pope Clement VII, February 3, 1382 (columns 943-945)
Thomas Rymer, Foedera, Conventiones, Literae et cujuscunque generis Acta Publica inter Reges Angliae et alios quosvis... Tomus VII (Londini: A. & J. Churchill, 1709).
- Letter of King Richard II to Pope Urban VI, for Adam Houghton, Bishop of St. David's. February 8, 1379. (p. 207)
- Letter of the King to the Treasurer and Barons de Scaccario, concerning the benefices of the Cardinal de Albano [Anglicus Grimoaldi]. February 20, 1379. (pp. 208-209).
- Bull of Urban VI, de specialibus honoribus et favoribus pro persona Regis . May 11, 1378. Countersigned T. de Nyem (pp. 215-217)
- The King, on providing for the disposition of income from benefices occupied by Cardinals in rebellion against the Pope. July 6, 1379 (pp. 222-223).
- The King, on sending the Papal Nuncio to Aquitaine as Inquisitor to deal with the Schismatics. December 6, 1379 (pp. 231-232).
Edmundus Martène et Ursinus Durand, Thesaurus novus anecdotorum Tomus II (Lutetiae Parisiorum 1717),
- Sermo factus per Dominum Patriarchum Constantinopolitanum [Jacobus de Itro] ad Depositionem Urbani quondam Barrensis Archiepiscopi (columns 1075-1081).
- Littera Domino Cardinali Morinensi missa de Roma per quemdam suum olim familiarem domesticum [Urbanite], 1378 (columns 1081-1083).
- Allegationes Electi Faventini [Francesco Uguccione Bishop of Faenza] nuncii B(artholomaei) coram Rege Castellae, 1378 (columns 1083-1098) [ =Baronius-Raynaldi sub anno 1378, LXXIII-CII ].
- Copia litterae Domino Nostro Papae Clementi super declaratione Hispaniae, quae applicuit Avenioni die penultima Maii (Salamanca, May 19, 1381) (column 1098).
- Acta Domini Toletani super facto schismatis ad Dominum Sancti Eustachii Cardinalem [Petrum de Luna] de necessitate et utilitate Concilii Generalis concludens (columns 1099-1120).
- Oratio facta ad Caesarem per Dominum Raymundum Bernardi, militem et legem doctorem, consiliarium Regis Franciae et Ducis Calabriae et Andegavensis ad declarationem juris Domini Clementis papae VII. contra Intrusum in Roma, August 21, 1383 (columns 1120-1128).
- Certificatio Collegii Cardinalium nomine Cardinalis Albanensis [Angelo Grimoaldi]: June 23, 1384 (columns 1128-1129).
Edmundus Martène et Ursinus Durandus, Veterum scriptorum et monumentorum historicorum , dogmaticorum, moralium, amplissima collectio Tomus VII (Parisiis: apud Montalant 1733),
- De initio schismatis, by Martène (columns 426-433)
- Letter of the College of Cardinals in Anagni, to Bartolomeo Prignano in Tivoli. "Exigit sanctae" [July] 1378 (columns 433-435) [Du Boulay, 467-468].
Ludovicus Antonius Muratori, Rerum Italicarum Scriptores Tomus Tertius (Milan 1723),
- Decree of Queen Joanna of Naples in favor of Clement VII, November 20 and 22, 1378 (columns 670-672). [= Baluzius I, "Secunda Vita Gregorii XI," columns, 472-477.]
- "Itinerarium Domini Gregorii Papae XI. inceptum XIIII Septembris anno Domini MCCCLXXVI., Pontificatus sui anno sexto," a Petro Amelio Alectensi Augustiniano exaratum (columns 690-712).
- Thomas of Acerno, "De Creatione Urbani VI. et Creatione Domini Gebennensis in Antipapam." [actually a deposition, not a treatise] (columns 715-730)
- Letter of King Edward III of England to the Schismatic Cardinals [a marvellous forgery:.King Edward died on June 21, 1377] (columns 766-768)
Raynaldi: Caesaris S. R. E. Cardinalis Baronii, Od. Raynaldi et Jac. Laderchii Annales Ecclesiastici Tomus septimus (Lucca: Typis Leonardi Venturini 1752) [Baronius-Raynaldi]:
- Bull of Gregory XI, dated March 19, 1378, authorizing certain specific departures from the rules relating to conclaves in earlier apostolic Constitutions: sub anno 1378, II, pp. 298-299. [a forgery? See Gayet I, text pp. 14-16]
- Marinus, Archbishop of Brindisi, on the alleged factio of Robert of Geneva, and the Conclave: sub anno 1378, ii (pp. 301-302).
- Testimony of Robert Straton , Auditor of Causes in the Sacred Palace, on preliminary positions of Cardinals before conclave: sub anno 1378, iii (p. 302).
- Selection from testimony of Bartolomeo de Zabriciis de Bononia, Bishop of Recanati and Macerata, a follower of Urban VI, as to reasons why Cardinals repudiated Urban VI: sub anno 1378, v (p. 304). [Cf. Gayet I, 2. iv.]
- Letter of Francesco Uguccione, Bishop of Faenza (follower of Urban VI) to the King of Castile, contradicting the Cardinals' claim of metus: sub anno 1378, vi (p. 305).
- Selection from testimony of Martinus de Judice, Bishop of Cassano, later Archbishop of Brindisi, a follower of Urban VI, as to libertas electionis: sub anno 1378, xvii (pp. 307-308)
- Enthronement and Coronation of Urban VI, according to Bartolomeo de Zabriciis de Bononia, Bishop of Recanati and Macerata, a follower of Urban VI, sub anno 1378, xiii-xiv (p. 309).
- Electoral Manifesto of Urban VI, "Nuper felicis recordationis": sub anno 1378, xvi (pp. 310-311).
- Letter allegedly written by Cardinal Corsini, Bishop of Porto, to Joannes Pistoris, Preceptor of the House of S. Anthony in Apulia, April 14, 1378. sub anno 1378, no. xvii (p. 311) [extract from Vatican materials on the Schism, offered by Rainaldi as prime evidence of cardinals writing to princes about the election]
- Letter of Cardinals in Rome to Cardinals in Avignon, announcing the election (on April 8) and coronation of Urban VI (on April 18), Rome, April 19, 1378. sub anno 1378, no. xix (p. 312 = Boulay IV, p. 365).
- Letter of Cardinals Anglicus Grimoaldi (Albanensis) and Pierre de Monteruc (Pampilonensis) to Urban VI, about the Castellan of the Castel S. Angelo releasing the Castle to Urban. Avignon, July 3, 1378: sub anno 1378, xxiv (pp. 314-315)
- Remarks of Fra Alfonsus Pecha, OP, Bishop of Jaen, in favor of Urban VI: sub anno 1378, xxix (p. 318).
- Johannes de Lignano, first treatise, for the Cardinals, "In vobis pendet conservatio": sub anno 1378, xxx- (pp. 318-321) [Raynaldus: "licet ex falso Cardinalium themate"]
- Consultation of Baldus of Perugia by the Cardinals: sub anno 1378, XXXVI-XXXVIII (pp. 321-327).
- Letter of Ultramontine Cardinals to the Italian Cardinals, July 20, 1378: sub anno 1378, no. XL (p. 328).
- Cardinal Francesco Tebaldeschi, Cardinal S. Petri: Deathbed Protestatio in favor of Urban VI: August 22, 1378. Baronius-Raynaldi, sub anno 1378, no. XLI (p. 328-329; Baronius-Theiner, pp. 310-311). [a forgery]
- Baldus of Perugia, Consultation made by the Cardinals: sub anno 1378, xxxvi-xxxviii (pp. 321-327)
- 'Casus', in the form of a Bull, of Urban VI, to the King of Castile, narrating the entire history of 1378 from the Urbanite point of view, sub anno 1378, LXXIII-CII, p. 348-360.
- Baldus of Perugia, "Baldi de Perusio Allegationes Secundae pro Urbano", pp. 613-631. [legal brief]
- Johannes de Lignano, "Tractatus Secundus Johannis de Lignano pro Urbano VI," pp. 631-657. [legal brief]
Johannes Dominicus Mansi (editor), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio editio novissima Tomus XXIV (Venetiis: apud Antonium Zatta 1780)
- Constitution of Pope Gregory X, "Ubi periculum", November 1, 1274 (columns 81-86).
Edmundus de Dynter, Chronica nobilissimorum ducum Lotharingiae et Brabantiae ac Regum Francorum , Liber Sextus, in : P. F. X. de Ram (editor), Chronique des ducs de Brabant par Edmond de Dynter Tome III (Bruxelles 1857), pp. 90-104.
- Chapters XLVI-XLIX.
- Factum Romanorum in violenta electione post obitum felicis recordacionis Gregorii pape undecimi perpetratum (pp. 91-101)
[ = Letter of thirteen Cardinals, August 9, 1378, denouncing Urban VI as an Intruder (Baluze, columns 467-472 and again at 541-547)]
Chronica Monasterii Sancti Albani. Thomae Walsingham, quondam monachi Sancti Albani, Historia Anglicana (H. T. Riley, editor) Volume I (London 1863), 368-369; 380-387, 391:
- Epistola erronea Cardinalium Apostatarum [a version of Edmundus Martène et Ursinus Durandus, Letter of the College of Cardinals to Bartholomeo Prignano (columns 433-435)] (pp. 382-384).
- Responsio Episcoporum Catholicorum ad Litteram Pseudo-Cardinalium [unsigned, undated] (pp. 385-387). [This 'Response of the Bishops' is the same tract that circulated as a "Letter of King Edward III" and found its way into the second "Life of Clement VII", compiled by Petrus de Herentals (Baluzius I, 553-556). It is a forgery perpetrated by the Urbanites.]
Gobelinus: Cosmidromius Gobelini Person ed. Max Jansen (Munster i. W.: Aschendorff 1900), Aetas VI, Cap. 74-75. (pp. 76-83).
Luigi Fumi (Editor), Codice diplomatico della Città di Orvieto (Firenze 1884) [Documenti di storia italiana, Tomo VIII]:
- DCCIII: Bull of Pope Urban VI, lauding Orvieto and encouraging them to defense against rebels from the Church. March 15, 1379 (p. 368)
- DCCIV. Urban VI acknowledges receipt of Ambassador and letters from Orvieto. April 16, 1378 (pp. 368-369).
- DCCV: Urban VI to Orvieto, appointing a new castellan. April 26, 1378. (p. 369).
- DCCIX: Announcement of peace with Florence and the other rebels. August 10, 1378. (p. 374).
- DCCX: Announcement of appointment of Reynaldus Orsini as Rector of the Patrimony of S. Peter in Tuscany. September 16, 1378 (p. 374).
- DCCXI: Urban warns Orvieto about a company of Bretons led by Silvester Budos. July 25, 1378 (p. 375).
Louis Gayet, Le grand schisme d'Occident Les Origines volume 1 (Paris-Florence-Berlin 1889) [the "Pièces justificatives" is separately paginated]:
- Fifteen depositions taken secretly at Rome by the Ambassadors of the King of Castile (pp.
1-38) [Vatican Archives, Armorial LIV, Volume 14]:
- Statement of Giovanni Chambaruti, OFM, Bishop of Castro [Eubel I, 174] (pp. 1-8)
- Nardus, an apothecary, one of the Bandarenses (pp. 9-12).
- Petrus Bulchius, priest of S. Bartolomeo de Insula (pp. 13-14).
- Joannes de Paparonibus, Canon of St. Peter's (pp. 14-15).
- Joannes Volcardi, magister capellae of Urban VI (pp. 16-18).
- [illegible] (pp. 18-20).
- [a Roman citizen] (pp. 20-22).
- Francesco de la Fora, Doctor of Medicine and Roman citizen (pp. 22-23).
- Jacobus, camerarius of the Cardinal 'Sancti Petri", Francesco Tebaldeschi (pp. 24-28).
- [unnamed] (pp. 28-29).
- Baliherus de Argentina, a German, scriptor in the office of the Penitentiary under Urban VI (pp. 30-31).
- Buchius Petri Jacobi, one of the four comestabularii assigned by the Roman People for the security of the Cardinals (pp 31-34).
- Friar Henricus of Buda, of the Order of Hermits, one of the Penitertiarii of Pope Urban VI (pp. 34-35).
- Dominus Joannes (pp. 35-37).
- Fredus de Cavali, ostiarius of the pope (pp. 37-38).
- Depositions of persons who were in Rome during the Novendiales, and were present in the Apostolic Palace during the Conclave:
- Guilielmus de la Voult, Bishop of Marseille [Eubel I, 330], subsequently Bishop of Valence-Die {appointed by Urban VI, and then by Clement VII on June 1, 1379: Eubel I, 513], one of the custodians of the Conclave (pp. 39-44).
- The Bishop of Todi, Stephanus Pelosii de Urbe [Eubel I, 502]; made a Cardinal by Urban VI in 1384 [Eubel I, 25] (pp. 44-64).
- Tommaso de Ammanatis, Bishop-elect of Nimociensis (Limasol in Cyprus) at the time of the Conclave [Eubel I, 367], later Archbishop of Naples; made a Cardinal by Clement VII in 1384 [Eubel I, 28] (pp. 64-92).
- Bartolomeo de Zabriciis de Bononia, Bishop of Recanati and Macerata (died 1382) [Eubel I, 410]. given in March, 1379. (pp. 92-118)
- Nicolas Eymeric, Inquisitor of Aragon (pp. 118-134). [This is the best of all of the depositions in terms of critical precision and historical perspective]
- Report of the Investigation made in Rome by Rodrigo Bernardi on the mandate of the King of Castile concerning the Schism (pp. 135-148).
- Letter written at Rome on April 11, 1378, three days after the Conclave, to Petrus Rubeus, Precentor of the Church of Elne in France, of the Curia in Avignon (pp. 148-151).
- Deposition of Cardinal Pierre de Cros, OSB, Archbishop of Arles, "Arelatensis" (May, 1380). At the time of the Conclave, he was not a Cardinal, but only Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church (S.R.E. Camerarius). He was created a Cardinal by Clement VII of the Avignon Obedience, in 1384 [Eubel I, 27, 103] (pp. 151-155).
- Letter to King Juan of Castile, from the Captain of the Castel St. Angelo, Petrus Rostaing (pp. 155-161) [incomplete].
- Depositions of Pierre Gaudelin, of Embrun, Castellan of the Castel St. Angelo (pp. 161-193).
Louis Gayet, Le grand schisme d'Occident Les Origines volume 2 (Paris-Florence-Berlin 1889) [the "Pièces justificatives" is separately paginated]:
- 'Casus' of three Italian Cardinals, Pietro Corsini, Simon de Borsano, and Giacomo Orsini (July 1378). The document was submitted to four other Cardinals, who subscribed to its contents on November 17, 1380 at Nice (Anglicus Grimoard, Pierre de Sortenac, Pierre Flandrin, Guillaume Noellet). The document was handed to the Ambassadors of the King of Aragon in 1386 (pp. 1-21)
- An addition to the above document, by the Cardinal of Florence, Pietro Corsini (pp. 22-26).
- 'Casus' written by Joannes de Lignano, Doctor utriusque iuris, with remarks inserted by Cardinal Pedro de Luna (pp. 26-40).
- Statement ('Casus') of the Abbot of 'Sistre' (Cistriensis, Sassoferrato) [Perfetto Malatesta] in the presence of the King of Aragon and his council, with remarks inserted by Cardinal Pedro de Luna. (pp. 40-56).
- Responses of the Cardinal of Florence (Pietro Corsini) to the questions of the Ambassadors of the King of Aragon (pp. 57-68).
- Responses of Cardinal Aigrefeuille to the questions of the Ambassadors of the King of Aragon, August 27, 1386 (pp. 68-76)
- Responses of Cardinal Vivariensis, Petrus Bishop of Sabina (Pierre de Sortenac) to twenty-one questions of the Ambassadors of the King of Aragon, (pp. 76-82).
- Responses of Cardinal Vivariensis, Petrus Bishop of Sabina (Pierre de Sortenac) to eleven questions of the Ambassadors of the King of Castile (pp. 82-84).
- Deposition and Responses of Cardinal Bertrandus Atgerius (Bertrand Lagier), at the time of the Conclave the Cardinal Glandatensis, subsequently Bishop of Ostia, to questions posed by the Ambassadors of the King of Aragon (pp. 84-96).
- Deposition and Responses of the Cardinal of Poitiers, Guido de Malosicco (Guy de Malsec), subsequently Cardinal BIshop of Palestrina, to questions posed by the Ambassadors of the King of Aragon (pp. 97-111).
- Responses of Cardinal Guillaume d'Aigrefeuille to questions posed by the Ambassadors of the King of Aragon (pp. 111-123).
- Responses of Cardinal Guillaume Noellet, Cardinal Deacon of S. Angelo in Pescheria, to questions posed by the Ambassadors of the King of Aragon (pp. 124-137).
- Responses of Cardinal Petrus de Vernhio (Pierre de Vergne) to questions posed by the Ambassadors of the King of Aragon (pp. 138-148).
- Responses of Cardinal Petrus de Luna to sixty-six questions posed by the King of Castile (pp. 148-161).
- Sworn deposition of Cardinal Geraldus de Podio (Gérard du Puy), OSBClun., Cardinal Priest of S. Clemente (the Cardinal de Marmoutier) to questions posed by Ambassadors of the King of Aragon (pp. 162-168).
- Responses of the Cardinal of Milan, Simon de Borsano (Simone Brossano) (pp. 168-169).
- Sworn deposition of Conrad Henrici, Ambassador of the Emperor Charles to Pope Gregory XI, from September 7, 1377 (pp. 169-185), with a Formal Protest entered on Monday, July 26, 1378 at Tivoli (pp. 185-188), and another dated July 28, 1378. [Conrad Heinrich was Dean of St. Peter's, Visgrad near Prague; Conrad de Gysenheim was procurator and Secretary of Wenceslaus,the King of the Romans and King of Bohemia]
- Treatise of Cardinal Pierre Flandrin, Cardinal Deacon of S. Eustachio (pp.187-191).
L'abbé Maratu, "Guillaume de Noellet, cardinal-diacre de Saint-Ange (vers 1340-4 juillet, 1394)," Bulletin de la Société archéologique et historique de la Charente 10 (1875) 3-96:
- Letter of the College of Cardinals to the Rector, Masters, Doctors and Scholars of the University of Paris, denouncing Bartolomeo Prignano as an Intruder into the Papacy, Anagni, August 16, 1378 (pp. 87-88) [ = Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis Tomus III no. 1609 ].
- Deposition of Guillaume Noellet, Cardinal Sancti Angeli (pp. 88-92).
Johannes J. J. Döllinger (unter der Leitung von), Beiträge zur politischen, kirchlichen, und cultur- Geschichte der sechs letzten Jahrhunderte III. Band (Regensburg: Georg Joseph Manz 1882),
Luigi Fumi, "Notizie officiali sulla Battaglia di Marino dell' anno 1379," Studi e documenti di storia e diritto 7 (Roma 1886), 3-11:
- Rinaldo Orsini, Rector of the Patrimony, notifies Orvieto about the Battle of Carpineto, February 7, 1379 (p 8).
- ii.Petrus Jutii Tutii, papal Scriptor, to the Officials and Commune of Montefiascone, April 30, 1379 (p. 9).
- iii. To the Officials, Council, and Commune of Orvieto, May 1, 1379 (pp. 9-10)
- iv. Agnolo Ghini, Ambassador of Siena in Rome, to the Sienese, June 4, 1379 (pp. 10-11).
- v. Francesco Bruni, papal physician, to the Sienese (p. 11)
Noël Valois, "Le rôle de Charles V au début du Grand Schisme (8 avril-16 novembre, 1378)," Annuaire-bulletin de la Société de l' histoire de France 24. 2 (1887), 225-255:
- Letter of the Cardinals at Fondi to King Charles V of France (October 19, 1378), announcing the election of Clement VII and asking for his protection (pp. 243-245).
- Bull of Clement VII (Fondi, November 10, 1378) in favor of King Charles V of France, granting him a subsidy for three years (pp. 245-247).
- Letter of King Charles to the Cardinals at Avignon (Bois de Vincennes, November 16, 1378), adhering to the cause of Clement VII (pp. 247-249).
- Letter of Pope Clement VII to King Charles V (Fondi, December 31, 1378) (pp. 249-251).
- King Charles' deathbed profession of faith, September 16, 1380 (pp. 251-255).
Spicilegio Vaticano di documenti inediti e rari, estratti dagli archivi e dalla biblioteca della sede apostolica Volume I (Roma: Loescher 1890):
- Processus presided over by Iacobus de Seva, legum doctor, examining several Florentines living in Rome (Wednesday April 8, 1377) (pp. 35-59.
P. Meyer and N. Valois, "Poème en quatrains sur le Grand Schisme (1381)," Romania 24. 1 (1895) 179-218.
Noël Valois, "La situation de l' Église au mois d' octobre 1378," Mélanges Julien Havet (Paris: Ernest Leroux 1895), 451-464:
- "Memoria eorum que sunt injuncta domino Egidio Bellemere per dominos meos cardinales Avinione existentes super hiis que contingerunt post recessum Johannes Henrici, canonici Ariensis, et Johannis Herrei, servientis armorum" (pp. 458-464).
Paulin Paris (editor), Les grandes chroniques de France Tome sixième (Paris: Techener 1838): Les gestes du roy Charles Cinquiesme du nom. XCI-XCVI. (pp. 441-448).
Siméon Luck (editor), Chronique des quatre premiers Valois (1327-1393) (Paris: Jules Renouard 1862), pp. 268-271
Theoderic de Nyem [Dietrich von Niem]: Georg Erler (editor), Theoderici de Nyem de scismate libri tres Lipsiae 1890).
A. Sorrelli,. "Il trattato di S. Vincent Ferrer intorno al Grande Scisma d'Occidente," Atti e memorie della R. Deputazione di storia patria per le provincie di Romagna terza serie. 23 (Bologna 1905) 301-455:
- "De Moderno Ecclesiae Schismate Tractatus," by Vincent Ferrer, OP (pp. 339-429)
- Letter concerning Vincent Ferrer to the King of Aragon, Valencia, December 19, 1379 (pp. 430-431).
- Rules to be followed by confessors in the Diocese of Pamplona concerning the Schism (pp. 431-434).
- Speech of Cardinal Pedro de Luna before the King of Aragon, on the schism (pp 434-438).
- Replies of Cardinal Pedro de Luna to questions posed by the Ambassadors of the King of Castile (pp. 438-455).
Henricus Denifle, OP (editor), Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis Tomus III (Parisiis: Delalain 1894),
- 1607. Cardinals at Anagni provide credentials for Nicolaus de S. Saturnino. Anagni, July 15, 1378 (p. 553).
- 1608. Marsilius de Inghen, nuntius of the University of Paris to the Apostolic Throne, seeks instructions. Tivoli, July 27, 1378 (pp. 553-555).
- 1609. Letter of Cardinals to University of Paris. Anagni, August 21 [or August 16], 1378 (p. 555-556) [ = Maratu]
- 1610. Peter Amelii, Archbishop of Embrun, to his friend Joannes de Calore, Chancellor of Notre Dame de Paris, stating that there is still a vacancy in the papal throne. Avignon, September 7, 1378 (pp. 556-557).
- 1615. Letter of Urban VI to the University of Paris. Rome, S. Maria in Trastevere, November 21, 1378. Carried by Jacobus de Seva and Raymundus de Capua (pp.559-560).
- 1616. Decision of the University of Paris to stand neutral between the two popes, until more information can be gathered, and the cases argued both in writing and orally; sent to King Charles V at Vincennes. January 8, 1379 (pp. 560-561).
- 1623. Letter of King Charles V to the University of Paris, inviting the whole university to meet and declare for Clement VII, as several faculties and nations already had. Vincennes, May 21, 1379 (p. 564).
- 1624. Declaration of the University of Paris in favor of Clement VII. May 24, 1379 (pp. 565-572).
- 1625. Declaration of the Faculty of Medicine in favor of Clement VII. May 24, 1379 (pp. 572-573).
- 1630. Letter of Clement VII to the University, thanking them for their support, as reported to King Charles V. Avignon, July 26, 1379 (pp. 578-579).
- 1648. Marsilius de Inghen, De canonica electione Urbani VI (pp. 587-588).
- 1650. Declaratio Universitatis Parisiensis pro Clemente VII, February 3, 1383 (pp. 589-590).
- 1651. Declaratio Universitatis Parisiensis pro Clemente VII, February 26, 1383 (pp. 590-591).
- 1655. Nova Declaratio Universitatis Parisiensis pro Clemente VII, February 9, 1387 (p. 592).
Fritz Ehrler, "Die kirchenrechtlichen Schriften Peters von Luna (Benedikts XIII.)," Archiv for Literatur- und Kirchen- geschichte 7 (1893), 515-575
Charles G. Herbermann, "More Light on the Election of Urban VI,"American Catholic Quarterly Review 18 (1893), 407-411.
J. H. Albanés and Ulysse Chevalier (editors), Gallia Christiana Novissima: Marseille (Valence 1899) :
- No. 596: Urban VI transfers Guillaume de la Voulte from Marseille to Valence-Die (pp. 362-363).
- No. 598: Clement VII absolves Guillaume de la Voulte from ecclesiastical censures (p. 364)
- No. 599: Clement VII transfers Guillaume de la Voulte from Marseille to Valence-Die (pp. 364-365).
- No. 606: Supplication of Cardinal Robert of Geneva [Gebennensis] to Urban VI (pp. 368-369)
Ludwig von Pastor (editor), Acta inedita historiam Pontificum Romanorum praesertim saec. XV, XVI, XVII illustrantia. Volumen I: A. 1376-1434 (Friburgi Brisgoviae: Herder 1904):
- "Bericht des Bischofs Nikolaus von Viterbo uber die recht massige Wahl Papst Urbans VI" (pp. 5-10).
- "Franziskus de Aguzzionis, Gesandter Urbans VI. in Kastilien und Aragonien an die Kommissare des Konigs von Aragonien" (pp. 10-17).
Fr. Vliemeprieder, "Ein Brief des Gegenpapstes [sic] Klemens' VII (1378)," Historisches Jahrbuch 26 (1905), 574-575.
- Letter of Clement VII to one of Bartolommeo Prignano's newly named anticardinals (Fundi, September 24, 1378).
P. Fedele, "S. Maria in Monasterio (Note e documenti)," Archivio del R. societa romana di storia patria 29 (1906), iv., p. 221
- Sale of property to pay the impositio of Urban VI to finance the war against the schismatics (May 14, 1379).
Franz Ehrle, SJ, Martin de Alpartils, Chronica Actitatorum temporis Domini Benedicti XIII Band I (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schoning 1906):
- Anonymous legal treatise , against Joannes de Lignano (pp. 419-425).
- Johannes de Lignano, treatise for Urban VI (pp. 433-434). [Vatican Archives. Armarium 54. Volume 18, folium 67]
Franz Ehrle, "Die Chronik des Garoscus de Ulmoisca Veteri und Bertrand Boysset," Archiv fur Literatur- und Kirchengeschichte 7 (Freiburg im Breisgau 1900), 311-420.