Assessment Process

AY 2019-2020

The Mike Curb College of Arts, Media and Communication Assessment Process

We follow our students: In the Mike Curb College of Arts, Media and Communication (MCCAMC) we recognize that students follow multiple paths in the completion of their academic degree programs. Because the requirements for completing a degree are vastly different for each Department in the College, we use a variety of direct and indirect assessments to capture student learning at different points in the program.

Assessment is about student learning: The focus of assessment in our College is on student learning in relation to program (vs. course) outcomes. Course content, teaching practices, or sequencing of program requirements, for example, may be part of faculty discussions about assessment results. MCCAMC believes that learning occurs across courses and co-curricular experiences and is not isolated to a particular course, and all aspects of a program are taken into account in focusing on assessment of student success.

Faculty are integral to the process: Faculty and staff are involved in the assessment process through the development of assessment tools such as scoring rubrics, pre-and-post-tests, student work or signature assignments, for example, and the collaborative review of student work. Participating faculty are also supported through faculty development and incentives as appropriate.

Anonymity of faculty and students involved in the process must be guaranteed: The assessment of student learning is an institutional activity that involves faculty, staff, and students. During the assessment process no individual faculty or student participants’ results are identified in annual publicized reports of assessment projects. The integrity of the assessment process is maintained at all levels through following a process that maintains the confidentiality of participants.

Assessment results are aggregated: Assessment results based on program learning outcomes are reported in aggregate form because the results represent MCCAMC and each individual Department, vs. individual students or faculty. In addition, assessment results are shared with University assessment officials, the Dean’s office, faculty, staff, students and the larger CSUN community.

Assessment results are to be used to improve student learning: The assessment results are regularly and systematically considered by the faculty, staff, and administrators in order to take action to improve student learning.

The assessment process is reviewed periodically: Assessment tools (tasks and scoring rubrics) and the process are reviewed annually to improve validity, efficiency and effectiveness.