Oral Communication Rubric

CategoryEmerging 1Developing 2Proficient 3Exemplary 4
ThesisThesis and purpose are not clearly stated.Thesis and purposes are evident, but not stated.Thesis and purpose are evident and stated.Thesis and purpose are logically, coherent and explicitly stated.
Supporting DetailsCentral idea is not focused. Supporting details are general and not specific.Central idea is minimally focused. Some supporting details are specific but most are generalCentral idea is sufficiently focused. Most supporting details are specific.Central idea is clearly focused and effective.  All supporting details are specific and clearly contribute to the central idea
Presentational StructurePresentation structure is weak and lacks transitions.Presentation structure supports the central ideas, but transitions are lacking.Presentation structure and transitions help to support central idea.Presentation structure and logical transitions consistently and effectively support the central idea.
Oral MechanicsFrequent errors in word choice and oral structure, seriously affect clarity.Vocabulary is limited. Frequent errors in oral structure may obscure content.Vocabulary is varied. Occasional errors in oral structure do not obscure content.Vocabulary is varied and carefully chosen. Oral structure is error free.
Audience CenteredStyle is inappropriate for intended audienceStyle is appropriate for intended audience, but is not effective.Style is appropriate and effective but may not engage intended audience.Style is appropriate, effective and engages intended audience.