• Images from CSUN's New Site

    Coming Soon: A New CSUN.edu

  • Caribbean Fire Coral.

    Winning Battle for Caribbean Reef

  • Chicana/o studies associate professor Xóchitl Flores-Marcial in the the archives.

    Studying Mexico’s Indigenous Social Networks

  • Caribbean coral forests.

    Diversifying 'Portfolios' on Coral Reefs

  • Family and friends gathered to celebrate with the graduates at a special ceremony held at the Chicano House.

    Moving Forward and Giving Back

  • The city of Nairobi.

    Professor To Head Nairobi Photojournalism Program

  • Illustration of students holding phones with social media apps.

    Vulnerable to Power of ‘Influencers’

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Post-DYL Survey for Freshmen/Sophomores

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I know 1-2 potential career path(s) that I want to pursue.
I am aware of my strengths, skills, and interests as they relate to my future career.
I have confidence in my ability to overcome challenges that I may face during my journey in college.
I am aware of resources to enhance my career development (resume, job interviews, etc.).
I have actively sought opportunities to shadow, volunteer, or intern with professionals whose career suits my skills, strengths, and interests.
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CA - CSUN Professors Says Seaweed Aquaculture Might be the Next ‘Big Thing’

California State University, Northridge marine biologist Janet Kübler has been awarded a $152,054 grant from the National Sea Grant College Program and her industry partner, The Cultured Abalone Farm in Goleta, Cailf. to develop a seaweed crop that isn’t yet grown by anybody else. If successful, Kübler may have identified a new aquaculture product for the state. -- Coastal News Today

Profiles in Design: Aaron Atchison

He had nearly finished his degree when he decided to switch his focus and go all-in with graphic design. It wasn’t easy, Aaron said, not only because he only had just a little more to go before graduating but also because he did have a love for architecture still. But after studying for four years, he also discovered things he didn’t love, and he hoped to encounter fewer restraints on the creative side with graphic design. He packed his bags, moved to California, and enrolled at California State University, Northridge. -- Dieline

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Dr. Elena Miranda Receives 2020 CSUN Outstanding Faculty Award

May 11, 2020


As the only underrepresented minority faculty member in the Department of Geological Sciences and one of the few in her field of research, her teaching methods and the experience she brings to our institution are instrumental in yielding outstanding results for our underrepresented students in these areas. Her efforts have resulted in an unusually large number of underrepresented minority or female undergraduate students co-authoring papers and presentations at national meetings. Read more
