Workshop Events

Learning Analytics Bootcamp (Part 2)

Thursday, March 24, 2022 - 10:00am to 12:00pm


DATES: March 22, 24   

TIME10:00am – 12:00pm  

Stipend: $240 (for entire series, subject to 125% rule for faculty)

Limit: 50 participants 

Recommended attendees: Instructors who have used Canvas in the past and would like to know how to get the most information from Canvas regarding their students and their progress/performance. 

The Learning Analytics Bootcamps help you leverage the data you have about your students to make content decisions, perform early interventions, engage the class more meaningfully, and utilize technology to facilitate these processes. 

Stipends are available for first-time attendees for some FTC Spring 2022 programs. Faculty who previously attended and were paid a stipend for any of the programs, can attend again for their own enrichment, however, no stipends will be paid. Faculty must be an active employee at the time of completion for funding. 

Note: Only Authenticated Users can join workshops 

Read more about Learning Analytics Bootcamp (Part 2)

Video in the LMS (Part 5)

Friday, March 25, 2022 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm

video on computer screen

DATES: March 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 

TIME: 2:00pm – 3:30pm 

Stipend: $450 (for entire series, subject to 125% rule for faculty)

Limit: 50 participants 

Recommended Attendees: Instructors who are new to using video in Canvas or would like to improve their skills 

This five-day workshop will explore how video can play an immersive role in your Canvas course. We will review how to record, edit, caption, share, and customize your video content to create engaging and interactive communication with your students. Come learn all the tips and tricks to strengthen your video production skills for the next semester and beyond. 

Stipends are available for first-time attendees for some FTC Spring 2022 programs. Faculty who previously attended and were paid a stipend for any of the programs, can attend again for their own enrichment, however, no stipends will be paid. Faculty must be an active employee at the time of completion for funding. 

Note: Only Authenticated Users can join workshops 

Read more about Video in the LMS (Part 5)

Video in the LMS (Part 4)

Thursday, March 24, 2022 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm

video on computer screen

DATES: March 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 

TIME: 2:00pm – 3:30pm 

Stipend: $450 (for entire series, subject to 125% rule for faculty)

Limit: 50 participants 

Recommended Attendees: Instructors who are new to using video in Canvas or would like to improve their skills 

This five-day workshop will explore how video can play an immersive role in your Canvas course. We will review how to record, edit, caption, share, and customize your video content to create engaging and interactive communication with your students. Come learn all the tips and tricks to strengthen your video production skills for the next semester and beyond. 

Stipends are available for first-time attendees for some FTC Spring 2022 programs. Faculty who previously attended and were paid a stipend for any of the programs, can attend again for their own enrichment, however, no stipends will be paid. Faculty must be an active employee at the time of completion for funding. 

Note: Only Authenticated Users can join workshops 

Read more about Video in the LMS (Part 4)

Video in the LMS (Part 3)

Wednesday, March 23, 2022 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm

video on computer screen

DATES: March 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 

TIME: 2:00pm – 3:30pm 

Stipend: $450 (for entire series, subject to 125% rule for faculty)

Limit: 50 participants 

Recommended Attendees: Instructors who are new to using video in Canvas or would like to improve their skills 

This five-day workshop will explore how video can play an immersive role in your Canvas course. We will review how to record, edit, caption, share, and customize your video content to create engaging and interactive communication with your students. Come learn all the tips and tricks to strengthen your video production skills for the next semester and beyond. 

Stipends are available for first-time attendees for some FTC Spring 2022 programs. Faculty who previously attended and were paid a stipend for any of the programs, can attend again for their own enrichment, however, no stipends will be paid. Faculty must be an active employee at the time of completion for funding. 

Note: Only Authenticated Users can join workshops 

Read more about Video in the LMS (Part 3)

Video in the LMS (Part 2)

Tuesday, March 22, 2022 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm

video on computer screen

DATES: March 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 

TIME: 2:00pm – 3:30pm 

Stipend: $450 (for entire series, subject to 125% rule for faculty)

Limit: 50 participants 

Recommended Attendees: Instructors who are new to using video in Canvas or would like to improve their skills 

This five-day workshop will explore how video can play an immersive role in your Canvas course. We will review how to record, edit, caption, share, and customize your video content to create engaging and interactive communication with your students. Come learn all the tips and tricks to strengthen your video production skills for the next semester and beyond. 

Stipends are available for first-time attendees for some FTC Spring 2022 programs. Faculty who previously attended and were paid a stipend for any of the programs, can attend again for their own enrichment, however, no stipends will be paid. Faculty must be an active employee at the time of completion for funding. 

Note: Only Authenticated Users can join workshops 

Read more about Video in the LMS (Part 2)

Video in the LMS (Part 1)

Monday, March 21, 2022 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm

video on computer screen

DATES: March 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 

TIME: 2:00pm – 3:30pm 

Stipend: $450 (for entire series, subject to 125% rule for faculty)

Limit: 50 participants 

Recommended Attendees: Instructors who are new to using video in Canvas or would like to improve their skills 

This five-day workshop will explore how video can play an immersive role in your Canvas course. We will review how to record, edit, caption, share, and customize your video content to create engaging and interactive communication with your students. Come learn all the tips and tricks to strengthen your video production skills for the next semester and beyond. 

Stipends are available for first-time attendees for some FTC Spring 2022 programs. Faculty who previously attended and were paid a stipend for any of the programs, can attend again for their own enrichment, however, no stipends will be paid. Faculty must be an active employee at the time of completion for funding. 

Note: Only Authenticated Users can join workshops 

Read more about Video in the LMS (Part 1)

Quiz Bootcamp (Part 3)

Friday, March 25, 2022 - 10:00am to 12:00pm

Canvas logo

DATES: March 21, 23, 25 

TIME: 10:00am – 12:00pm 

Stipend: $360 (for entire series, subject to 125% rule for faculty)

Limit: 50 participants 

Recommended Attendees: Instructors who are new to using Quizzes in Canvas or would like to improve their skills 

The Quiz Bootcampprovides an A-to-Z deep dive into quizzes in Canvas courses. During this three-session bootcamp, you will learn how to create quizzes and surveys, how to use the various question types provided, how to use question groups and question banks, how to reuse past quizzes or questions, how to provide accommodations such as extra time or different quiz dates, how to grade and provide feedback for quizzes and how to find and use the quiz analytics provided by Canvas.  

Stipends are available for first-time attendees for some FTC Spring 2022 programs. Faculty who previously attended and were paid a stipend for any of the programs, can attend again for their own enrichment, however, no stipends will be paid. Faculty must be an active employee at the time of completion for funding. 

Note: Only Authenticated Users can join workshops 

Read more about Quiz Bootcamp (Part 3)

Quiz Bootcamp (Part 2)

Wednesday, March 23, 2022 - 10:00am to 12:00pm

Canvas logo

DATES: March 21, 23, 25 

TIME: 10:00am – 12:00pm 

Stipend: $360 (for entire series, subject to 125% rule for faculty)

Limit: 50 participants 

Recommended Attendees: Instructors who are new to using Quizzes in Canvas or would like to improve their skills 

The Quiz Bootcampprovides an A-to-Z deep dive into quizzes in Canvas courses. During this three-session bootcamp, you will learn how to create quizzes and surveys, how to use the various question types provided, how to use question groups and question banks, how to reuse past quizzes or questions, how to provide accommodations such as extra time or different quiz dates, how to grade and provide feedback for quizzes and how to find and use the quiz analytics provided by Canvas.  

Stipends are available for first-time attendees for some FTC Spring 2022 programs. Faculty who previously attended and were paid a stipend for any of the programs, can attend again for their own enrichment, however, no stipends will be paid. Faculty must be an active employee at the time of completion for funding. 

Note: Only Authenticated Users can join workshops 

Read more about Quiz Bootcamp (Part 2)

Quiz Bootcamp (Part 1)

Monday, March 21, 2022 - 10:00am to 12:00pm

Canvas logo

DATES: March 21, 23, 25 

TIME: 10:00am – 12:00pm 

Stipend: $360 (for entire series, subject to 125% rule for faculty)

Limit: 50 participants 

Recommended Attendees: Instructors who are new to using Quizzes in Canvas or would like to improve their skills 

The Quiz Bootcampprovides an A-to-Z deep dive into quizzes in Canvas courses. During this three-session bootcamp, you will learn how to create quizzes and surveys, how to use the various question types provided, how to use question groups and question banks, how to reuse past quizzes or questions, how to provide accommodations such as extra time or different quiz dates, how to grade and provide feedback for quizzes and how to find and use the quiz analytics provided by Canvas.  

Stipends are available for first-time attendees for some FTC Spring 2022 programs. Faculty who previously attended and were paid a stipend for any of the programs, can attend again for their own enrichment, however, no stipends will be paid. Faculty must be an active employee at the time of completion for funding. 

Note: Only Authenticated Users can join workshops 

Read more about Quiz Bootcamp (Part 1)

Design with Adobe Spark

Friday, March 18, 2022 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm

Adobe spark

Register for this event 

Stipend: $120 (subject to 125% rule for faculty)

Limit: 50 participants  

Recommended Attendees: Instructors who are interested in Adobe Spark and using social media in their course  

Come learn about Adobe’s new web-based design platform, Adobe Spark. This powerful tool can help create and design ‘Poster Projects’ and make posting to social media sites infinitely easier. This workshop is intended for any level of graphic design experience, and beginner friendly. 

Stipends are available for first-time attendees for some FTC Spring 2022 programs. Faculty who previously attended and were paid a stipend for any of the programs, can attend again for their own enrichment, however, no stipends will be paid. Faculty must be an active employee at the time of completion for funding. 

Note: Only Authenticated Users can join workshops 

Read more about Design with Adobe Spark
