Campus Advisory – Update 1/14/2025
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Closure

Provisional Admission

California State University, Northridge (CSUN) may provisionally admit undergraduate students — first-time freshman and first-time transfer applicants — until all eligibility requirements and deadlines have been met and verified with the appropriate documentation. Eligibility requirements and deadlines are identified on the following admissions pages:

CSUN may rescind admission decisions, cancel financial aid awards, withdraw housing contracts and cancel any university registration for students who are found not to be eligible after the final transcript(s) are evaluated. If your offer of provisional admission is rescinded, please visit Admission Appeals.

Please review the section for your student group below.

CSUN may provisionally admit first-time freshman applicants based on their academic preparation through the junior year of high school and planned coursework for the senior year. The university will monitor the final terms of study to ensure that admitted students complete their secondary school studies satisfactorily, including the required college preparatory subjects, and graduate from high school.

Students are required to submit an official transcript after graduation to certify that all course work has been satisfactorily completed. Official high school transcripts must be received prior to the deadline set by the university. In no case may documentation of high school graduation be received any later than the census date for a student’s first term of CSU enrollment.

First-time freshman applicants will qualify for regular (non-provisional) admission when the university verifies that they:

  • Have graduated and received a high school diploma or acceptable equivalent,
  • Have a qualifiable minimum eligibility index,
  • Have completed the comprehensive pattern of college preparatory “A to G” subjects, and,
  • If applying to an impacted program (major), have met all supplementary criteria for the major.

Please note: First-time freshmen who qualify for admission must still enroll in classes and attend beyond the 20th day of instruction for the semester to which they were admitted. Students who do not enroll in classes and attend beyond the 20th day of instruction will need to reapply for admission to the university in the next available semester unless they contact the Office of Admissions at

CSUN may provisionally or conditionally admit transfer applicants based on their academic preparation and courses planned for completion. The university will monitor the final terms to ensure that those admitted complete all required courses satisfactorily. All accepted applicants are required to submit an official transcript of all college-level work completed.

CSUN may rescind admission for any student who is found not to be eligible after the final transcript has been evaluated. In no case may such documents be received and validated by the university any later than a student's registration for their second term of CSU enrollment.

Applicants will qualify for regular (non-provisional) admission when the university verifies that they:

  • Have completed all upper-division transfer requirements, and,
  • If applying to an impacted program (major), have met all supplementary criteria for the major.

Please note: First-time transfer students who qualify for admission must still enroll in classes and attend beyond the 20th day of instruction for the semester to which they were admitted. Students who do not enroll in classes and attend beyond the 20th day of instruction will need to reapply for admission to the university in the next available semester unless they contact the Office of Admissions at

Admission Status

To check your admission status, log in to the CSUN Portal to review your checklist. For help, visit the My Checklist How-To Guide.

You may also contact the Office of Admissions for assistance at (818) 677-3400, visit Bayramian Hall (BH) Room 160 during business hours or email

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