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This page is for CSUN students, faculty and staff and provides information on how to access and manage your CSUN email account. 

Students: Gmail 

Students are issued a CSUN email account when they apply to the University. You should have received a letter from Admissions and Records with your CSUN email address and initial password. Use this information to access your account for the first time. Your CSUN student Gmail account serves as your official email account with the University. This means that the University will use it for official communications and you are responsible for monitoring this account.

Accessing Gmail

Go to the Gmail login page and sign in with your email prefix (e.g. jane.doe) and CSUN password. If you don't know your email address, log in to the CSUN Portal and go to the Student Center (SOLAR). Your student Gmail address is located under Personal Information.

If you don't have your initial password, contact the IT Help Center in person or by phone. If you tried using your CSUN password and this did not work, reset your CSUN password and try again. 

Forwarding Gmail to Another Account

All CSUN related emails are sent to your student email account, but you may choose to forward them to another account of your choosing. To set this up, visit Forwarding Your CSUN Email.  PLEASE NOTE: do not skip any steps in the process, especially step 10 or the process will not be complete. 

Sharing Gmail Content with Another Gmail Account

An alternative to downloading Gmail content is sharing that content with another account. For example, if you want to share your CSUN Gmail account content with your personal Gmail account, you can delegate access to that account. Visit Sharing Gmail Content with Another Gmail Account

Gmail Help

Gmail and Accessibility

Storage Quotas

Please review the following storage quotas:

  • Applicants: 1 GB
  • Enrolled/Active Students: 25 GB
  • Graduated Students: 0 GB (Their email will need to be forwarded if they want to retain the address)

Faculty & Staff: Office 365 

The email system for CSUN faculty and staff is Microsoft Office 365 and there are different ways to access your account. To learn all about Office 365, please view Learning Office 365 (must log in with your CSUN user ID and password to view tutorial).

Accessing Office 365

1. Mobile Device

View instructions to set up email on your mobile device.

2. Webmail

Log in to Webmail

3. Email Client

Configure your email client (e.g. Outlook, Entourage) to access your account. See instructions below for some of the most popular email clients. If your email client is not on the list, please contact the IT Help Center.

Forwarding CSUN Email to Another Account

Visit the Email Forwarding in Office 365 page. 

Email Lists (Majordomo)

For information on how to create and manage Majordomo lists, please review the Majordomo – Creating and Managing Lists (Administrators) (.pdf) user guide. 

If you need information on Class Email Lists, visit the Class Email Lists page. 

CSUN Spam Prevention

Faculty and staff are encouraged to remain vigilant when responding to email and never share their passwords or click on suspicious URLs. If in doubt, verify before clicking. For more information, visit the CSUN Spam Prevention page.