College of Humanities

Events Archive

Property in the Promised Land: Debt, Murder, and the Modernization of Los Angeles

Tuesday, February 21, 2023 - 2:00pm to 3:15pm

Dr. Mark Vestal

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Marques Vestal, Assistant Professor of Critical Black Urbanism at the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs. Dr. Vestel will talk about the modernization of Los Angeles' and the early 20th Century political and cultural economy. His talk frames the discussion around the deaths of two Los Angeles sheriff's deputies sent to evict a Black homeowner, George Farley. We will learn about the central role of racialized debt and eviction in Los Angeles' drive for growth in the dawning decades of the Twentieth Century. Get more information about this event.

The Fourth Invasion: Histories and Resistance of the Maya Ixil Peoples

Monday, March 6, 2023 - 11:00am to 12:15pm

Event Flyer

Dr. Giovanni Batz (Maya-K’iche’) is a CSUN alumnus and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chicana/o Studies at UC Santa Barbara. His research focuses on extractivist industries, social movements, and the relationship between historical Indigenous and Maya territorial dispossession and transnational migration from Central America to the US. In his book talk at CSUN, Dr. Batz will discuss the notion of the “fourth invasion” and examine the continued resistance maintained by Maya Ixil peoples against the construction of the Palo Viejo hydroelectric plant in Guatemala.

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