The Absence Management Module processes CSU leaves: sick, vacation, personal holiday, bereavement, etc. Employees enter their own leaves through self-service; and multi-institution security will ensure users only have access to data at their campus.
Anticipated Module Updates
- Employee and manager self-service pages are upgraded and will have a new look and feel
- Pre-planned absences will be entered as “requests” (e.g. vacation, personal holiday, etc.) and will go through workflow and approved on an on-going basis
- Non-pre-planned absences (e.g. sick) will be entered when the time is used and will go through workflow and approved on an on-going basis
- Absence requests can be entered up to 12 months in advance and for 12 prior months
- Employees and approvers can cancel any absence requests that have not been used/finalized
- The new absence forecasting feature will validate employee balances on all requested/reported absences and will consider future accruals, as appropriate
- No Leave Taken will be maintained on a new page and will be separate from absence pages
- The entry and usage of compensatory (CTO), Alternate/Additional Day off (ADO), and holiday will entered, approved, and processed in Time & Labor instead of Absence Management
- Supervisors and managers will be designated as time and attendance approvers
- Approver access will be automatically granted to supervisors and managers who have employees reporting to them