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Virtual Appointments Available
Professional & Personal Development
Temporary Academic Employment (TAE) is a custom module used for the management of Temporary Faculty data, including:
- Appointment data for creating and printing appointments
- Automatic loading of TF transactions into Job Data, and
- Reports to assist in the management of TF data.
Anticipated Module Updates
- This new functionality is expected to help streamline the appointment/reappointment of temporary academic employees such as lecturers, TAs, GAs, and ISAs
- Functionality for faculty additional employment will be reviewed to determine if it will be of use to CSUN
- Built-in workflow and approvals will help the flow of data from one unit to another and should reduce keying and time to finalize appointments/reappointments
- Employee Self Services (ESS) will have the ability to do a final approval and push the data into Job, thus reducing their keying as well
Revised January 25, 2022
With CHRS:
- AWE (Approval Workflow Engine) for automated routing and approvals
- Self-Service for Employees to review appointments, decline, and complete additional information needed for appointment processing
- Mass Processing allows to process multiple appointments – e.g. by department