- Mail Services, renamed University Postal Services - (818) 677-2323
- Mail - Student Housing - (818) 677-2160
- Maintenance/Receiving - (818) 677-3627
- Majors at CSUN
- Management Department - (818)677-2457
- Management Information Systems (MIS) - (818) 677-2461
- Management Personnel Plan, Staff/Faculty - (818) 677-2118
- Management Science - (818) 677-2470
- Manufacturing Systems Engineering & Management, Dept of, - (818) 677-2167
- Map, Campus
- Map Library, Geography Dept - (818) 677-3465
- Marilyn Magaram Center for Food Science, Nutrition & Dietetics - (818) 677-3102
- Marketing and Communications, University Advancement - (818) 677-2130
- Marketing Department - (818) 677-2458
- Master of Science in Taxation - (818) 677-3952
- Master of Social Work, MSW - (818) 677-7630
- Masters in Business Administration Program
- Masters in Public Administration, MPA - (818) 677-5635
- Matador Achievement Center - (818) 677- 4781
- Matador Advising Hub - (818) 677- 2900
- Matador Bookstore (now CSUN Campus Store) - (818) 677- 2932
- Matador Federal Credit Union - (818) 993-6328
- Matador Involvement Center - (818) 677-5111
- Matador Patrol
- Materials Engineering, Manufacturing Systems Engineering & Management - (818) 677-2167
- Maternity Leave
- Math & Statistics Labs, Learning Resource Center - (818) 677-2033
- Mathematics Department - (818) 677-2721
- Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement, MESA; - (818) 677-2753
- Mathematics Tutoring Lab - (818) 677-2721
- Meal Plan Office - (818) 677-2655
- Mechanical Engineering Department - (818) 677-2187
- Media Communications, Athletics; - (818) 677-3243
- Media Library Services, Oviatt Library; - (818) 677-2211
- Media Services - (818) 677-6363
- Medical/Health/Science Equipment/Supplies Purchasing; - (818) 677-6538
- Meeting Services - USU/SSU Room Reservations - (818) 677-3644
- Mercantile Catering, University Student Union; - (818) 677-3612
- Mercantile Exchange, University Student Union - (818) 677-3612
- Merit Award Suggestions, Staff/Faculty - (818) 677-2119
- MESA Engineering Program, Dept of Engineering and Computer Science - (818) 677-2191
- Mexican-American Studies, Chicano/a College of Humanities - (818) 677-2734
- Microfilm Room, Library - (818) 677-3282
- Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies - (818)-677-7218
- Ministry, See Interfaith Council - (818) 677-4981
- Minority Access to Research & Careers, MARC, MBRS - (818) 677-4981
- Minority Achievers in Science, MAS, Science and Mathematics, College of - (818) 677-4558
- Mission - (818) 677-2957
- Mixed Media, Art Supplies - (818) 677-7111
- Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures - (818) 677-3467
- Molecular- Based Population Studies, Center for; - (818) 677-6553
- MOSAIC (Mentoring to Overcome Struggles and Inspire Courage) - (818) 677-6533
- Motor Pool (PPM) - (818) 677-2222
- Moving Services (PPM) - (818) 677-2222
- Music Department - (818) 677-4752
- Music for Youth, Music - (818) 677-3184
- Music Shoppe - (818) 677-4765
- Music Therapy Clinic - (818) 677-5663
- myCSUNglobe