Research and Sponsored Programs - 2018

Award Cycle

Welcome to the Award Cycle page, your one-stop shop for information about grants, contracts, and sponsored programs. Using the links to your left, you can find information about the grant process and the stages that a faculty member must go through to successfully apply for, receive, and maintain a grant. A brief explanation of each stage is as follows:


1. Funding Opportunities

Faculty members interested in applying for a grant can find information about various funding agencies and processes. You can also join our mailing list to receive twice-monthly notifications about upcoming funding opportunity deadlines.

2. Proposal Development

RSP pre-award staff are here to help you develop the most competitive proposal you can! The timeline for this process can be downloaded here.

Your stakeholders in this process include your college Dean, DFO, and Grants Officer, Department Chair, staff in RSP, and CSUN executive administration. Following the steps outlined here will help ensure that your application is more competitive, submitted successfully, and complies with CSU and funding agency requirements.

3. Proposal Submission

All proposals for extramural support must be submitted by an Authorized Official in RSP. 

Some letters of intent, interest, or inquiry (LOIs), pre-proposals, and white papers or concept papers may be submitted by the Principal Investigator. Your RSP Grants & Contracts Analyst can confirm regulations and provide assistance.


4. Award Setup

Congratulations, your proposal has been funded! Here, we explain what happens as the institution negotiates with the agency to establish your award and set up your project accounts at The University Corporation.

5. Award Management

RSP staff are here to help you manage all the expenses involving your grant, such as personnel costs (like payroll) and operation costs (equipment, contracted services, travel, expense reimbursements, etc.).

Following the policies, procedures, and guidelines linked from the Award Management page will help ensure that your project complies with the many regulations surrounding external funding - and that you and CSUN will be able to qualify for future funding.

6. Continuations

Depending on the terms of the initial award, some multi-year projects are negotiated each year, and others are fully established up front. This section will help you navigate the award continuation process.

You can also visit this section to learn how and when you can stretch out your funding for longer than originally planned, such as with a no-cost extension.

7. Closeout

At the end of a funded project, grant agreements usually require a final financial report and other documents to be submitted to the granting agency within specific deadlines after the end of the project. Visit this section to learn more.

Need More Help?

Contact your designated pre-award or post-award liaison for more personalized assistance!