Organizations that meet the criteria of a fraternity or sorority, as determined by the CSUN student organization registration process, must provide a Certificate of Insurance as proof of general liability insurance, prior to conducting activities (excludes informational activities) on campus. In addition to providing the Certificate of Insurance (COI) the organization must provide a Letter of Endorsement which list the university as additionally insured. Specifically, the letter must include the following language:
"The State of California, the Trustees of The California State University, California State University, Northridge, and employees, officers, directors, volunteers, and agents (collectively "University") are named additional insured under the terms of this policy as to the activities of the insured."
- When submitting a request for outdoor space and/or a concrete table, chapters are required to upload a copy of the (1) Certificate of Insurance and (2) Letter of Endorsement.
- Additionally, if multiple fraternity and/or sorority organizations will be participating in the event (or activity), every chapter involved must provide the required insurance documents.
- The request for outdoor space and/or concrete table will not be approved until all required documents have been reviewed and approved by the Office of Risk Management.
CSUN Insurance Requirements
University departments and programs can request to reserve an outdoor space and/or concrete table by submitting the Outdoor Space and Concrete Tabling form for University Departments and Programs.
Students (not associated with a recognized student organization) that need to request an outdoor space and/or concrete table for a class project can use the Outdoor Space and Concrete Table form for University Departments and Programs.
Non-profit, religious, military, and/or groups promoting civic engagement can request to reserve a concrete table by submitting the Non-Affiliate Request to Table form.