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University Technology Governance

Close-up of hands, working on a document.

The CSUN University Technology Governance committees influence the strategy and priorities for the University technology initiatives in support of institutional planning priorities. They provide advice on means to: effectively implement CSU system information technology and information security, and accessible technology policies and standards; continuously improve technology infrastructure and services; improve data understanding and lineage; enhance teaching and learning using technology; and improve administrative services for students and employees.

Specifically, University Technology Governance facilitates an on-going dialogue between CSUN technical resources (including staff working in all divisions and auxiliaries) and our campus constituents to:

  • Maintain alignment between CSUN technology priorities and the CSUN Road Ahead plan and its strategic directions and priorities.
  • Provide advice on the effective and innovative use of technology to support CSUN program needs for students, faculty, and staff, consistent with institutional planning priorities.
  • Plan and implement changes in technology infrastructure and services.
  • Manage risk through implementation and support of the information security and accessibility policies and standards.
  • Coordinate new and ongoing technology services within CSUN’s decentralized technology staffing structure to avoid duplication of effort.
  • Assist with assessing the outcomes of the IT Road Ahead University technology strategy.

Standing university technology governance committees advise the Executive Technology Steering Committee (ETSC), chaired by the Vice President for Information Technology/CIO. The ETSC provides overall guidance and direction for the other committees, is advisory to the President and thus links university technology governance to the President’s Cabinet. Standing university technology governance sub-committees advise the ETSC on particular technology domains including academic technology, accessible technology, student systems, business systems, technology infrastructure services, website coordination, and data governance

Governance Committee Graphic

Each university technology governance standing committee will submit a brief written report to the ETSC each year containing (a) key accomplishments and changes since the last report including measures of progress, (b) proposed upcoming plans and initiatives and associated assessment strategies, and (c) any potential barriers to enabling future plans and projects.  

At the discretion of the ETSC, the University will continue to utilize ad-hoc technology working groups as the needs of the University evolve.  Ad-hoc working groups advise one of the standing university technology governance groups on specific technology domains; current ad-hoc working groups including Computer and Mobile Devices Committee and Classroom Technology Committee.  

The Vice President of Information Technology/CIO will review the need for such communities of technology focus each year and make recommendations to the ETSC regarding any changes to their need and/or composition. The responsibilities and current membership for the ETSC, standing and ad-hoc committees are available at

Executive Technology Steering Committee (ETSC) 

Student Administrative Systems Committee (SASC)

Technology Infrastructure and Services Committee (TISC)

Advisory Committee on Academic Technology (ACAT)

Business Administrative Systems Committee (BASC)

Website Coordination Committee

Data Governance Committee

Accessible Technology Initiative Services Committee (ATISC)

Technology Procurement Accessibility Committee (TPAC)

Computer & Mobile Devices Committee

Classroom Technology Committee