
The College of Humanities Student Services Center and EOP Satellite (SSC/EOP) offers, new incoming student advising for EOP freshmen and transfer students, academic advisement and graduation planning for continuing students, career/graduate school planning and mentoring, and more...
Career Options for Degrees
The College of Humanities comprises wide ranging academic disciplines that examine the human condition from expressive, cultural, and theoretical perspectives.

Student Clubs & Organizations
Scholarships & Financial Aid
Laura Uba Academic Achievement Award ($100 - $1,000)
The student who receives this award should be a major/double-major in AAS and has demonstrated a strong academic performance and critical understanding of AAS and/ or Ethnic Studies. Priority will be given to a student with senior standing.
Donna Kawamoto Special Achievement Award ($250 - $1,000)
The student who receives this award may not necessarily have a high GPA or be considered a visible leader, but the student has demonstrated resiliency and a strong ability to overcome unusual hardships and life circumstances while pursuing higher education.
Eunai Shrake Promising Educator Award:
This award attempts to address the lack of Asian American representation in the teaching force and recognizes students who have demonstrated a commitment to and potential for a career in the education field be it in the K–12 classroom or higher education.
Enrique de la Cruz Social Justice Award ($100 - $1,000)
The student who receives this award has demonstrated a commitment to ending social oppression, an impact on Asian and/ or Pacific Islander American communities on- or off-campus, and /or involvement in social justice organizations or projects; and completed or are in the process of completing community internship hours via the AAS 495 or 497 courses.
Kenyon Chan Outstanding Leadership Award ($1,000)
The student who receives this award is an AAS major, double major, or minor; and has demonstrated the goals and values of the department, as well as campus leadership. The student is engaged in practices that bridge the university and Asian and/ or Pacific Islander American communities and has advanced Ethnic Studies through research and/or activism.
Arbaquez & Alcantara Outstanding Essay Award ($1,000)
This is an annual prize for an Outstanding Essay on the topic of "Asian Americans and Education." Submissions are open only to CSUN AAS majors, double majors, and minors. CSUN graduate students who majored, double-majored, and minored in AAS may also be considered. Current AAS majors, double majors and minors will be given priority.
Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund
(NOT AFFILIATED WITH CSUN or the Asian American Studies Department)
APIASF provides scholarships to underserved AAPI students with a special focus on those who: live at or below the poverty level, or are otherwise of low socioeconomic status; are the first in their families to attend college; are representative of the AAPI community's diversity, geographically and ethnically, especially those ethnicities that have been underrepresented on college campuses due to limited access and opportunity; and have placed strong emphasis on community service and leadership as well as solid academic achievement.
All CSUN scholarships listed below are due March 31, 2023
La Raza Alumni Association/LRAA ($250 - $1,000 disbursed over a two-semester period)
Rudy Acuña Scholarship
Oscar Dominguez Graduate Program Scholarship
Frank Del Olmo Memorial Scholarship
MEChA/ Chicana/o Studies Scholarship ($250 - $500)
Operation Chicano Teacher Scholarship
Contact: Chicana/o Studies Department (818) 677-2734
English Awards
The Linda Nichols Joseph English Merit Scholarship
In memory of Linda Nichols Joseph, an English major who graduated from CSUN cum laude in 1981, up to four prizes of $2,000 each will be awarded every year to undergraduate English majors who have demonstrated excellence in their studies. Particular consideration will be given to applicants who demonstrate financial need, who have taken a non-traditional path to college, or who demonstrate engagement in the discipline and/or commitment to further study in English. However, all applicants who meet the minimum GPA criterion are encouraged to apply.
Application Requirement
minimum 3.5 overall GPA
Application Materials
Completed application form; letter discussing the applicant’s qualifications for the award, including issues such as financial aid, and/or engagement in the discipline, and/or commitment to further study in English (1-2 pages); résumé or curriculum vitae; two letters of recommendation; Financial Aid release form (attached to application form).
The Oliver W. Evans Writing Prize
To commemorate Oliver W. Evans, his colleagues and friends have established two annual prizes of $500 to be awarded to the authors of the two best critical or creative pieces of prose—one for a paper on any topic and one for a paper on American literature—submitted in an upper-division English course during the academic year. Faculty may nominate students for this award by submitting their papers to the English Department office, and students may nominate themselves by similarly submitting their papers. All papers should indicate which of the two award designations they are targeting: “General Topics” or “American literature.” The awards will be made by a committee appointed annually by the Department of English.
Application Materials
One hard copy of the student’s paper
The Eva Latif Writing Prize in Children's Literature
To commemorate Eva Latif, her colleagues and friends offer an annual prize of $500 to the author of the best piece of writing, critical or creative, by a student on the subject of children's literature. Faculty may nominate students for this award by submitting their papers to the English Department office, and students may nominate themselves by similarly submitting their papers. The award will be made by a committee appointed annually by the Department of English.
Application Materials
One hard copy of the student’s paper
The Peterson Morley Award
An award of $1,000 will be bestowed annually upon a student currently enrolled as an English major at CSUN in either the undergraduate or graduate program, who plans to enter the teaching profession at any level. Applications from students who demonstrate financial need to complete their studies will be given particular attention. This award is given in honor of Annamarie Peterson Morley, a professor at CSUN from 1965 to 1980, who taught with warmth, grace, humor, and wisdom. She was an elegant and humane woman, a model for teachers and students.
Application Requirements
For any Undergraduate Student: registered as an English major, minimum 3.0 overall GPA, registered for at least 12 units in the subsequent semester.
For Graduate Students: registered in the English graduate program, minimum 3.25 GPA, registered for at least 6 units in the subsequent semester.
Application Materials
Completed application form, personal vignette of a classroom experience that has motivated the applicant’s desire to teach (3-page max.), unofficial transcript, two letters of recommendation, Financial Aid release form (attached to application form).
The Richard Lid and Helen Lodge Scholarship
An award of $500 will be given to a graduate student enrolled in English and/or Secondary English Education, to help pay fees for graduate work. The applicant must concurrently be teaching in middle school or secondary school or be on sabbatical.
Application Requirements
Application form, unofficial transcript with GPA, a letter explaining the applicant’s interests in and concerns about teaching English Language Arts (max. 2 single-spaced pages), letter of recommendation from a CSUN faculty member familiar with the applicant’s academic work.
The Thomas Matthew Magness Graduate Memorial Fund
In memory of Thomas Matthew Magness, former English graduate student, this award will provide $1,000 tuition remission for a first-semester graduate student in the English MA program. Selection will be based on academic merit.
Application Requirement
Minimum 3.6 overall undergraduate GPA.
Application Materials
One letter of recommendation speaking to academic strengths and a 500-word personal statement detailing interests and goals in the English MA program.
The Linda Nichols Joseph English Merit Scholarship
In memory of Linda Nichols Joseph, an English major who graduated from CSUN cum laude in 1981, up to four prizes of $2,000 each will be awarded every year to undergraduate English majors who have demonstrated excellence in their studies. Particular consideration will be given to applicants who demonstrate financial need, who have taken a non-traditional path to college, or who demonstrate engagement in the discipline and/or commitment to further study in English. However, all applicants who meet the minimum GPA criterion are encouraged to apply.
Application Requirement:
minimum 3.5 overall GPA
Application Materials:
completed application form; letter discussing the applicant’s qualifications for the award, including issues such as financial aid, and/or engagement in the discipline, and/or commitment to further study in English (1-2 pages); résumé or curriculum vitae; two letters of recommendation; Financial Aid release form (attached to application form).
The Lesley Johnstone Memorial Award
A prize of $500 will be given to an undergraduate student who is the author of the best written work on some aspect of the natural world or environment. Eligible work, whether scholarly or creative, must have been written in an English class or for a class-related conference or publication.
Application Requirements:
Students will submit an application form and a copy of your essay to the English Department Office (ST 706).
The Robert apRoberts English Honors Essay Prize
To commemorate Robert apRoberts, Professor Emeritus and founder of the Honors Program, an annual prize of $250 will be awarded to the English Honors student whose paper completed in the Honors Revision Seminar (497A) is judged to be the best submitted during that academic year.
Application Requirements:
Applicants must be enrolled in the English Honors Program. And the student will submit an application form and a copy of the essay to the English Department Office (ST 706).
The William L. Wilson Award
A scholarship of $1,600 will be given to an English major who plans to teach at the secondary level. This scholarship honors the memory of William L. Wilson, a career Army officer who taught high school for many years upon his retirement from the U.S. Army. The scholarship recognizes and encourages students who work diligently to get their degrees and achieve their career potential in spite of additional obligations such as work or family.
Application requirements:
Applicants must currently be either a junior or senior English major going on for a secondary single-subject teaching credential in English; possess people skills associated with the successful classroom teacher, such as maturity, purpose, and compassion; and be a strong student (CSUN GPA of 3.0 or higher). Applicants must submit the application form and a personal essay of no more than 350 words introducing herself or himself – including why she or he has chosen this field of study, and her or his personal circumstances and eventual career objective to the English Department Office (ST 706). A CSUN faculty member must complete the William L. Wilson Faculty evaluation form and submit it directly to the Chair of the Awards Committee.
Graduate Awards
The Professor Mitchell Marcus Prize in English
In memory of Mitchell Marcus, a former Professor in the Department (1958-1983), a prize of $4,000 will be awarded each spring semester to the graduate student whose achievements in the study of English are considered by the faculty as the most distinguished.
Application Requirements:
the candidate must have classified status as a graduate student, hold a minimum 3.75 GPA, submit the completed application form, two current letters of recommendation from English Department faculty, a personal statement (max. 2 single-spaced pages), and a writing sample (max. 20 double-spaced pages), résumé (max. 2 pages).
The Mahlon Gaumer Award
In honor of Mahlon Gaumer, a professor of English at CSUN from 1969-1997, who specialized in linguistics and Medieval literature, an award of $500 will be given to a graduate student who is the author of the best critical essay on English literature—with emphasis on the use of language.
Application Requirements:
application form, essay (max. 20 double-spaced pages), the essay will not have been considered in previous English department competitions, the applicant must be enrolled as a graduate student, papers must analyze English or American literature with an emphasis on the use of language.
The Harry Finestone Award in English
In honor of Harry Finestone, a gifted teacher and innovative administrator at CSUN from 1962-1983, an award of $750 will be presented each year to the graduate student with the most distinguished essay in the study of literature completed in the department’s capstone graduate seminar, ENGL 698D. The essay must be nominated by the instructor of the course in which the student was enrolled. The Awards Committee will evaluate the nominated essays on the following criteria: originality of concept; potential scholarly impact; logical, effective organization; and clarity, coherence, and elegance of prose style.
Application Requirements:
application form, minimum 3.5 GPA (verified by unofficial transcript), hard copy of the essay, letter from course instructor (submitted directly to the Awards Committee Chair) nominating the essay for this award.
The Irene Clark Scholarship for Rhetoric and Composition
The Irene Clark Scholarship for Rhetoric and Composition awards $500 for a paper written by a Department of English graduate student on a topic in rhetoric and composition during the 2017-2019 academic year.
Application Requirements:
application form, essay (max. 20 double-spaced pages), the applicant must be enrolled as a graduate student, essays must focus on a topic in rhetoric and composition.
The Angeline Olliff Memorial Scholarship
In memory of Angeline Olliff, a former graduate student and teaching associate in the Department of English, a $250 scholarship will be awarded in spring 2019 to a Rhetoric and Composition graduate student or a Teaching Associate in any specialization (creative writing, literature, rhetoric and composition).
Application Requirements:
application form, a writing sample or detailed lesson plan, and a cover letter of no more than 500 words that explains how their own research or teaching practices showcase how the power of language can affirm agency and subsequently elevate one's voice, as asserted in Angie Olliff’s words: “Somehow I had learned early on that there is power in having a voice, and my writing shows my often inelegant struggle to find this power, to assert (and often defend) my place. I am encouraged, though, because my increasing awareness of both my evolving literary voice and my sensitivity to my environment will enable me to write more consciously. As I write more consciously, I will wield the words most meaningful to me, and I will use my voice with agency.” The writing sample should show the student's proficiency in research that exemplifies the power of language. Essays can be assignments previously written for a class. Lesson plans and/or essay prompts must detail the expected student outcomes and be clear on how the lesson reinforces the power of language and finding one's own voice.
Contact: English Department 818-677-3431
Gender & Women's Studies Scholarships
Shannon L. Hamm Scholarship ($300 - $500)
The Shannon L. Hamm Memorial Gender & Women Studies Scholarship was established by Dr. Amir Hussein in memory of his wife Shannon L. Hamm who believed strongly in furthering and supporting a feminist education.
- Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA
- At least junior standing at the time of application
- Applicant must submit to the GWS office a 500-700 word essay on how majoring in GWS has impacted their worldview and life.
The Elizabeth Berry Gender and Women's Studies Scholarship ($1,000)
This award was established by Professor Elizabeth Berry, a co-founder of the Department of Gender & Women’s Studies and long-time supporter of women’s causes. The scholarship is $1,000 per student per year. Students submit an essay or video discussing their commitment to the study of gender and women’s studies. The essay must be 500-700 words and typed double-spaced or a three- minutes video.
- A major or minor in GWS
- A cumulative GPA greater than or equal to 2.75
- Preferred: student parent
Nayereh & Mahnaz Tohidi Scholarship Endowment ($1,000)
The Nayereh & Mahnaz Tohidi Scholarship Endowment was established by GWS Professor Emeritus Nayereh Tohidi and her spouse, Kazem Alamdari, retired Professor of Sociology, both tireless defenders of human and women’s rights. The endowment is in honor of Dr. Mahnaz Tohidi, a dedicated physician whose life was cut short due to the repressive situation in her home country, Iran. The amount awarded for this scholarship is $1000. Students interested in the Nayereh & Mahnaz Tohidi Scholarship must submit a completed application form and an essay or video on a designated topic. The essay or video topic will reflect and be relevant to the human/women’s rights and general societal climate and prevailing issues in gender and women’s studies.
- Any CSUN student in the college of Humanities or Social & Behavioral Sciences who has a gender perspective and is majoring or minoring in the fields of studies that stress gender and sexuality dimensions
- A senior or a junior during the current academic year
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
- Content and Length of Essay: Students submit a 600-800 word essay, to the GWS Department Office on the designated topic of that year as announced on the GWS website.
Contact: Gender and Women's Studies Department (818)677-3110
All scholarships listed below are due April 5, 2023
Jewish Studies Scholarships
Matador Scholarship
The Jewish Studies Interdisciplinary Program is sponsoring need-based Matador Scholarships. All CSUN students are eligible who have taken or are currently enrolled in a Jewish Studies course -- you need not be a JS Major or Minor. Applicants must agree to enroll in an additional Jewish Studies Course in the year they receive the scholarship. In addition, all the usual requirements and procedures for the Matador Scholarship apply.
Jewish Studies Minor Award ($350) & the Modern Jewish Studies Major Award ($500)
The Jewish Studies Minor Award ($350) and the Modern Jewish Studies Major Award ($500) are given yearly at Hanukkah to the senior Jewish Studies Minor/Major with the highest academic achievement overall and in the Program. The winner should either have completed the degree or be making good progress towards completion. An award committee consisting of the JS instructors will be asked to judge between eligible students.
Contact: Jennifer Thompson, Jewish Studies Program Director (818)677-3007
Modern & Classical Languages and Literatures
The DiMascio Family Endowment Scholarship ($1,000)
In coordination with the Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures and College of Humanities, the DiMascio Family Scholarship Endowment will award an annual scholarship of $1,000 to a second-year language student planning to study abroad.
This scholarship honors Alfred and Henrietta DiMascio’s memory. It is a fitting tribute because of their love for travel and commitment to higher education. They would be very pleased to know that they are helping future generations of CSUN students learn through their travels abroad and that their studies will open new horizons for them and lead to degrees of higher learning.
Barbara Ann Ward Scholarship
The Barbara Ann Ward Scholarship for Spanish Studies recognizes students who demonstrate academic excellence in Spanish studies.
Barbara Ann Ward (Spanish '67) gave a gift to California State University, Northridge to establish a scholarship fund for students studying Spanish. At the age of 40, around the same time she received her pilot's license, Barbara enrolled at Cal State Northridge to complete her education. Barbara Ann Ward believed in the power of giving and wished to reach a large number of students through the Spanish studies scholarship.
Robert Barbera Endowment in Italian Studies ($1,500)
The Robert Barbera Endowment for Italian Studies is a yearly fellowship of approximately $1500 offered to full-time Cal State Northridge undergraduate students with a declared minor in Italian or major in languages and cultures with an option in Italian. The applicant must be currently enrolled in Italian section courses.
The fellowship is intended to fund Italian study abroad programs recognized and sanctioned by Cal State Northridge, internships with Italian firms or institutions, activities promoting Italian language and culture at Northridge and in the community, or a standard fellowship. Students must show proof of attendance if attending an Italian study abroad program. If funds are used for a standard fellowship, students must be enrolled in Italian courses the semester immediately following the awarding of the fellowship.
Italian Language and Culture Fellowship ($2,000)
The one-time $2,000 fellowship in Italian language and culture supports students who have declared a minor in Italian or major in languages and cultures with a concentration in Italian.
The Ralph Baccash Memorial Scholarship
Thanks to the generosity of the family, friends, colleagues, and students of Professor Ralph Baccash, a memorial fund has been established in the Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures at the California State University, Northridge. The interest from this fund will be used annually to provide one or more scholarships for deserving French minor, French majors, and majors in Languages and Cultures with a concentration in French.
The Armenian History and Culture Scholarship Fund ($15,000)
The scholarship will defer the cost of tuition, fees, books, and eligible room and board (room and board eligibility to be determined by the University) up to a maximum of $15,000 per year. Students may apply for the Scholarship in subsequent years as long as they meet the criteria and funding is still available. Scholarships will be awarded to students who best meet one or more of the following criteria: Is a descendent of an individual who either survived or was killed in the Armenian Genocide of 1914 – 1924, and/or Can demonstrate a commitment to the support of and advocacy for the Armenian community through humanitarian, cultural, philanthropic, or athletic programs or endeavors, and/or Is minoring in the Armenian Studies Program, and/or, Is a Language and Cultures major with Armenian option, and/or, Is a Liberal Studies major with Armenian option or enrolled in the Integrated Teacher Education Program in Liberal Studies with a minor in Armenian Studies. Students are required to submit an essay of up to three pages in length that addresses their experience relevant to the above-listed criteria.
The Chitjian Family Foundation Endowed Scholarship in Armenian Studies
An annual scholarship will be awarded to students during their junior and senior years who are majoring in Languages and Cultures/Armenian Option, minoring in Armenian, or enrolled in the Integrated Teacher Education Program’s (ITEP) Armenian Studies Teacher Training Program (ASTTP) through the Liberal Studies Program in the College of Humanities.
Varaz and Karina Shahmirian Annual Endowed Scholarship in Armenian Studies ($1,000)
At least one (1) $1,000 scholarship will be awarded annually to students (during their junior and senior years of study in the case of those majoring in Armenian). The annual scholarship amount will be determined by the Director of the Armenian Studies Program based on the endowment funds available for distribution each year. Once eligibility is determined through the scholarship application process, the qualified applications will be reviewed by an ad-hoc committee of professors from the Modern and Classical Languages and Literature Department. This ad-hoc committee will be convened by the Director of the Armenian Studies Program.
TF Educational Foundation Fund Scholarship in Armenian Studies
The scholarship is awarded annually to eligible students as described in the TF Scholarship Details.pdf. The amount of the scholarship will be determined by the Director of the Armenian Studies Program based on the funds available for distribution each year.
For more information about any of the above scholarships, you can visit the Armenian scholarship page.
Contact: Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures (MCLL) Department 818-677-3467
Sidney Luckenbach Memorial Fund ($2,000 - $6,410)
The Sidney A. Luckenbach Memorial Award is a cash award presented each year to one or more academically outstanding Philosophy majors. Eligible candidates are Philosophy majors whose overall GPAs are at least 3.0, with preference given to students with interests in logic or philosophy of science and to students with financial need.
Contact: Philosophy Department 818-677-2757
Queer Studies Scholarships & Awards
Wong-Sayaman Equality Award ($1,000)
Ronora Sayaman, a CSUN alumnus working in the private sector, began the Wong-Sayaman Equality Award for CSUN students. Her vision is to provide support to students from any academic major who are committed to a leadership role in Queer, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender communities. The award is given out at the Queer Studies Spring Lecture Series which usually occurs in March or April.
Contact: Queer Studies Program 818-677-6762
Joseph and Anna Laufer Religious Studies Student Scholarship
Stephen J. Svec Memorial Award
Contact: Religious Studies Department 818-677-4110
- Browse on-campus scholarships - Sign into myMatadorScholarships using your MYNORTHRIDGE PORTAL Login. Complete a general application, then apply for this specific scholarship by submitting all required materials to this scholarship by the deadline.