General Email Signature |
Pride Themed Email Signature |
The OFFICIAL AS email signature is below. This is the only version acceptable by AS for ALL AS departments and services. If you need help with setting up signatures in your email client, please contact the AS IT department. ALL FONTS SHOULD BE IN HELVETICA OR ARIAL First Name Last Name (Bold 12pt - RED) Position (Helvetica 12pt - black) Clifton Strength: XXX | XXX | XXX | XXX | XXX (12pt - black)
California State University, Northridge (12pt - black) Associated Students - Department (BOLD 12pt - black) 18111 Nordhoff Street | Northridge, CA 91330-maildrop (12pt - black) Phone: (818) 677-xxxx (12pt - black) (12pt - black) ![]() "The Associated Students is the primary advocate for students at California State University, Northridge and provides excellent, meaningful programs and services designed to create and enhance a spirited, learning-focused campus environment." (Helvetica 10pt, RGB: 208,13,45) |
The OFFICIAL AS email signature is below. This is the only version acceptable by AS for ALL AS departments and services. If you need help with setting up signatures in your email client, please contact the AS IT department. ALL FONTS SHOULD BE IN HELVETICA OR ARIAL First Name Last Name (Bold 12pt - RED) Position (Helvetica 12pt - black) Clifton Strength: XXX | XXX | XXX | XXX | XXX (12pt - black)
California State University, Northridge (12pt - black) Associated Students - Department (BOLD 12pt - black) 18111 Nordhoff Street | Northridge, CA 91330-maildrop (12pt - black) Phone: (818) 677-xxxx (12pt - black) (12pt - black) ![]() "The Associated Students is the primary advocate for students at California State University, Northridge and provides excellent, meaningful programs and services designed to create and enhance a spirited, learning-focused campus environment." (Helvetica 10pt, RGB: 208,13,45) |