• Images from CSUN's New Site

    Coming Soon: A New CSUN.edu

  • Caribbean Fire Coral.

    Winning Battle for Caribbean Reef

  • Chicana/o studies associate professor Xóchitl Flores-Marcial in the the archives.

    Studying Mexico’s Indigenous Social Networks

  • Caribbean coral forests.

    Diversifying 'Portfolios' on Coral Reefs

  • Family and friends gathered to celebrate with the graduates at a special ceremony held at the Chicano House.

    Moving Forward and Giving Back

  • The city of Nairobi.

    Professor To Head Nairobi Photojournalism Program

  • Illustration of students holding phones with social media apps.

    Vulnerable to Power of ‘Influencers’

Minimizing the COVID Slide During the Summer

June 29, 2020

A mother helps teenage daughter with homework using digital tablet. Photo by monkeybusinessimages, iStock.

Many parents and educators are worried about a “COVID slide”, where students fail to retain any new information learned before and during the pandemic — as well as over the summer, when students are not in school. Families with more resources may have a way of halting that slide and actually help their children retain what they learned during the past academic year, according to California State University, Northridge special education professor Wendy Murawski, executive director and Eisner Endowed Chair for the Center for Teaching and Learning in the Michael D. Eisner College of Education. Read more on CSUN Today

Self-care and the meaning of the 4th of July

June 29, 2020


The 4th of July holiday this week comes as a thankful opportunity to rest, and enjoy family and friends. This holiday takes on deeper meaning as our country and our college contemplate just what the constitution of America stands for, as well as the ongoing press to change toward equal social justice for all in our current lens of anti-black racism.  Read more

Discover CSUN with Cynthia Martinez

Thursday, July 30, 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Discover CSUN Talks

This Zoom presentation is for high school and community college students as well as students at other four-year institutions who would like to attend CSUN in the future and haven't yet applied. Learn more

Discover CSUN with Rene Chino

Tuesday, July 14, 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Discover CSUN Talks

This Zoom presentation is for high school and community college students as well as students at other four-year institutions who would like to attend CSUN in the future. Learn more

Finding decolonial spirituality

"I began to work very consciously to decolonize my spirituality by living with a spiritual consciousness from a non-Western perspective, which means understanding the deep interconnection between all forms of life and reciprocity as fundamental values," Medina told CSUN. "Many Xicanx and Latinx have returned to our ancestral indigenous knowledge that was silenced in the period of colonization and continues to be disregarded or ignored by mainstream societies. -- Al Dia
