Klotz Student Health Center physicians and nurse practitioners are licensed and board certified in family medicine, internal medicine, gynecology, travel medicine, sexual and reproductive health, and sports medicine. Klotz Student Health Center providers also include specialists in physical therapy, chiropractic, optometry, dentistry, nutrition, and acupuncture.
Support staff includes x-ray technologists, clinical laboratory scientists, and pharmacists. Health promotion and education programs are a critical part of the services offered to students that promote wellness and disease prevention in a learning-centered environment and university community.
Accreditation and Affiliates
The Klotz Student Health Center is accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Incorporated (AAAHC).
According to the AAAHC, accreditation is a voluntary process through which an organization is able to measure the quality of its services and performance against nationally recognized standards. The accreditation process involves self-assessment by the organization, as well as a thorough review by the Accreditation Association's expert surveyors who have extensive experience in the ambulatory health care environment.
The accreditation certificate is a symbol that an organization is committed to providing high-quality health care and that it has demonstrated that commitment by measuring up to the Accreditation Association's high standards.
The Klotz Student Health Center laboratory is accredited by the Commission on Office Laboratory Accreditation (COLA). COLA assesses compliance with federal CLIA regulations and standards.
Since its inception in 1920, the American College Health Association (ACHA) has been dedicated to the health needs of students at colleges and universities. It is the principal leadership organization for the field of college health and provides services, communications and advocacy that help its members to advance the health of their campus communities.
If you want to learn more, visit the below pages on the ACHA website.
Healthy Campus 2020
Healthy Campus 2020, based on the parent document Healthy People 2020, provides national health objectives and planning guidelines to meet the objectives.
Mission and Vision
Our mission
Our mission is to help students achieve their maximum potential of physical and emotional health and learn critical skills to promote self-care, improvement of health and prevention of disease, thereby improving their potential for student academic success and achievement of educational goals.
Our vision
Every interaction between Klotz Student Health Center and students is an opportunity for student learning along with the development of lifelong skills and knowledge to promote good health and academic and professional success.
Patient Rights and Responsibilities
The staff of the Klotz Student Health Center (KSHC) is pleased to work with you to help you improve your health and stay healthy.
Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities
I. Information Disclosure
You have the right to receive accurate and easily understood information about the KSHC health services, health care professionals, and health care facilities. If you need accommodations for a disability, do not understand the information provided, or request information in another language, assistance will be provided so you can make informed health care decisions.
II. Choice of Clinicians
You have the right to a choice of health care clinicians, such as our medical doctors, specialists, and nurse practitioners, who provide access to appropriate high-quality health care. If the KSHC is unable to provide a specific service for you, our staff will provide you with referral resources for health care in your community.
III. Access to Acute Care Services
If you are a student and have an acute illness or injury and/or are concerned about your health and safety, you have the right to see a nurse and/or or a clinician at the KSHC, on a same-day basis. However, the KSHC is not an urgent care center or emergency room; if such services are needed, the KSHC team will work to stabilize your condition and arrange for transport to a local hospital.
IV. Participation in Treatment Decisions
You have the right to know all your treatment options and to participate in decisions about your care. You have the right to provide and withdraw consent for examinations at any time, including during the examination. Parents, guardians, family members, or other individuals that you designate can represent you if you cannot make your own decisions.
V. Respect and Nondiscrimination
You have a right to considerate, respectful, inclusive, welcoming, and nondiscriminatory care from your health care clinicians and the KSHC staff. The KSHC strives to provide an inclusive, caring environment that respects the needs of our diverse campus community.
VI. Confidentiality of Health Information
You have the right to communicate in confidence with health care clinicians and to have your health care and personal information treated as confidential. In general, your medical care will be provided on a one-on-one basis between you and your clinician. However, if your clinician needs additional assistance, they may ask for a trained professional attendant to be present during the discussion, examination, and/or treatment—this individual will be introduced to you and will address you by your preferred name.
You also have the right to review and request a copy of your own medical record and to request that your clinician modify your record if it is not accurate, relevant, or complete. Please refer to the KSHC Notice of Privacy Practices for more information.
VII. Complaints and Appeals
You have the right to a fair, fast, and objective review of any complaint you have against the KSHC and/or its staff. This includes complaints about waiting times, operating hours, the conduct of KSHC personnel, and the adequacy of the KSHC facility.
We encourage you to be an active participant in decisions regarding your health. You have the right to know and understand:
- Our assessment of your concern/problem.
- What tests and treatments are being recommended and why.
- The risks and benefits of any tests or treatment.
- Alternatives, if any and their risks.
- The prospects for resolution of your problems.
- The charges, if any, for your care, before that care is provided.
As a consumer of health services, you have rights and responsibilities. They include the following:
- Your health is a shared responsibility. Become involved in care decisions. Disclose relevant information and clearly communicate your wants and needs.
- Be honest and direct about everything that relates to your needs for health services. Know that you can decline/stop an exam/withdraw consent if you are uncomfortable.
- Be sure you understand your health situation. Ask questions. If you do not understand the treatment plan or the tests, ask the nurse or clinician about it.
- Follow the treatment plan recommended by your clinician. It is your responsibility to advise us if you cannot follow the plan.
- Express any concerns or complaints you may have about your treatment. Submit concerns or comments on your care at www.csun.edu/shc, or shcinfo@csun.edu, ask to see the KSHC Director, or call (818) 677-3660.