Career Coaches

A Communication Studies degree offers a dynamic range of career opportunities, including roles in politics, marketing, media, education, entertainment, and the legal field, to name a few! To maximize your potential and help you achieve your professional goals, you will be matched with an academic career coach.

Our experienced coaches are esteemed professors within the Department of Communication Studies who not only assist in curating a curriculum tailored to your interests but also offer mentorship in honing essential skills, networking strategies, and guidance in seeking internships or relevant professional experiences. 

With their expertise and individualized support, you will gain a better understanding of how to leverage your degree effectively in today's competitive job market. Additionally, the Department of Communication Studies often invites our career coaches to host a number of coaching sessions, such as resume building and interview preparation, to offer you ongoing support as you embark on your career journey.

Career Coaches: Joseph Ayala, M.A. & Kelly Opdycke, Ph.D.

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