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CSUN Technology 2022-Vision

The CSUN Technology 2022-Vision describes a University-wide plan to leverage technology to support institutional priorities. The CSUN Technology 2022-Vision establishes the aspiration of a more digitally-enabled University, identifies strategic themes to organize initiatives to support institutional priorities, and sets technology principles to guide the decisions. The 2022-vision was created in consultation with the University Technology Governance and advisory groups and with the input of the broader University community through the annual Information Technology surveys of students, faculty and staff.


The CSUN Technology 2022-Vision creates the path to a more digitally-enabled institution that uses technology to facilitate student learning and success, empower innovation, provide intuitive services, and operate efficiently.

Strategic Themes

The vision has four key areas of focus, strategic themes, to realize CSUN’s aspiration to become a more digitally-enabled University: Digitally Transform the Student Experience; Support for Teaching, Learning and Research; Enable Digital Services and Engagement; and Effective, Robust and Secure Information Technology. All four themes map back to one or many of the University Planning Priorities. 

Digitally transform the student experience. Harness technology to increase engagement, business productivity and cost savings.
Enable teaching, research and innovation. Provide effective, robust and secure technology infrastructure.