CSUN as One

  • CSUN as One Spring Information

Faculty and Staff

For up-to-date COVID-19 vaccination information specific to CSUN faculty and staff, please visit COVID-19 Employee Vaccination Update.

The health and safety of the CSUN community is of paramount importance. We advise that you refrain from coming on campus for non-essential matters and to connect with us online or by phone. If you must come to campus, please review the campus employee safety protocols and complete this Employee Screening Survey before each visit.

As part of CSUN’s community of talented and innovative faculty and staff, you are the pillars of tireless dedication leading the Matador community during unprecedented times.

In addition to resources throughout this site, information specific to faculty and staff can be found below.

COVID-19 Employee Voluntary Testing

CSUN is now offering voluntary COVID-19 testing (at no cost) for faculty, staff and student employees who have been approved to work on campus during the Spring 2021 semester. We have engaged a third-party vendor, Picture, by Fulgent Genetics, to increase our testing capacity and offer free, convenient at-home testing for employees.
  • Testing is strongly recommended for all CSUN faculty and staff specifically approved to physically work continually or periodically on campus.
  • This testing is currently not available to faculty & staff working remotely.
  • Please note: This type of testing is for surveillance testing of asymptomatic individuals (i.e. no symptoms). If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or had close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, we recommend you consult with your personal physician first. Anyone who has contracted COVID-19 within the last 90 days should not participate in this ongoing testing.

For More Information and to Register, visit https://www.csun.edu/hr/covid-19-employee-testing.

COVID-19 Vaccination Information for Education Employees

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is currently distributing the COVID-19 vaccine to Phase 1A, and Phase 1B, Tier 1, which include the following groups:
  • Phase 1A – Healthcare Workers, Staff & Residents at Skilled Nursing Facilities, Staff & Residents at Long-Term Care Facilities
  • Phase 1B, Tier 1 – Education, Childcare, and Los Angeles County Residents, 65 and over.
Residents of Los Angeles County may make appointments through their healthcare provider or as they become available through the Los Angeles County website at: http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/Coronavirus/vaccine/index.htm.

For up-to-date information, examples, and details on how to access, download, and print CSUN applicable documentation, visit: https://www.csun.edu/hr/employee-covid-19-vaccination-information.

In order to be vaccinated at the time of your appointment, you must bring document(s) to show all 3 of the following:

(Note: one document may cover more than one requirement, e.g. a work badge with photo and an LA County workplace would meet all 3 criteria).
  1. Photo ID (does not have to be government issued), and
  2. Proof that you live or work in LA County, and
  3. Proof that you work in the education sector.

Reporting COVID Cases and/or Potential Exposure to COVID-19

Please go to the https://www.csun.edu/csunasone/health-and-safety web page to report any suspected/confirmed COVID cases and/or potential exposure to COVID.

Employee leaves

If you are interested in learning more about COVID related leaves, please contact your Benefits Leave Specialist. For last names starting with A-K contact Cari Morgan, Leave of Absence and Workers Compensation Specialist at cari.morgan@csun.edu or 818-677-6510. For last names starting with L-Z contact Karyn Cote, Leave of Absence and Workers Compensation Specialist at karyn.cote@csun.edu or 818-677-3351.

Leave options include:

Expanded COVID-19 Related Leave (ECRL)

In an effort to support our workforce, Chancellor Castro has approved an Expanded COVID-19 Related Leave (ECRL) type for non-represented employees and employees in the following bargaining units who have reached meet and confer agreements:

  • UAPD (Unit 1)
  • CSUEU (Units 2, 5, 7, 9)
  • APC (Unit 4)
  • SUPA (Unit 8)
  • UAW (Unit 11)

ECRL allows for up to 128 hours (16 days) of leave time from January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. Note the 128 hours is inclusive of the 80 hours under Senate Bill (SB) 95. The 128 hours are pro-rated for part-time employees, and exempt employees may only use the time in whole day increments.

ECRL can be used for the COVID-19 related reasons when an employee is unable to work or telework, as outlined under CS Senate Bill 95 outlined below.


Effective March 29, 2021, California Senate Bill (SB) 95 provides employees with 80 hours of supplemental paid sick leave (SPSL) for specific COVID-related absences. The 80 hours are pro-rated for part-time employees and exempt employees may only use the time in whole day increments. The leave time is retroactive to January 1, 2021 and is available for use through September 30, 2021.

Qualifications for the leave usage:

  • Being subject to a quarantine order from an appropriate agency.
  • Being advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine due to concerns related to COVID-19.
  • Attending an appointment to receive a vaccine for protection against contracting COVID-19.
  • Experiencing symptoms related to a COVID-19 vaccine that prevents the employee from being able to work or telework.
  • Experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and seeking a medical diagnosis.
  • Caring for a family member, as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 245.5, who is subject to quarantine order from an appropriate agency or who has been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine due to concerns related to COVID-19.
  • Caring for a child, as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 245.5, whose school or place of care is closed or otherwise unavailable for reasons related to COVID-19 on the premises.

You can learn more about this bill and how to use the leave here.


Effective January 1, 2021, members of Teamsters Local 2010 (Unit 6) may be eligible for Expanded COVID Related Leave (ECRL) which provides up to 256 hours of ECRL (Expanded COVID Related Leave) for use between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021. Pro-rated for employees whose appointment is less than full-time, ECRL time may be used for COVID-19 related reasons when an employee is unable to work or telework, as outlined under CS Senate Bill 95 outlined above.

CSUN employees are also eligible for leaves under their respective collective bargaining agreements and may explore flexible work schedules with their respective manager.

Other COVID specific leaves such as COVID 19 Paid Administrative Leave (CPAL) and Federal Families First Coronavirus Leave (FFCRA) both expired on December 31, 2020.

Workers’ Compensation

Per Senate Bill 1159, the campus has been reporting positive COVID-19 test results for employees who work physically on campus to our Workers’ Compensation carrier. This reporting does not open a Workers’ Compensation claim. It does result in notification of any outbreaks or work-related exposures on campus. Upon an investigation conducted by our Workers’ Compensation carrier, if it is determined that you have been exposed to COVID-19 in the workplace, applicable Workers’ Compensation benefits may apply.

If you have questions and to obtain more information, please contact Karyn Cote, Leave of Absence and Workers’ Compensation Specialist, at Karyn.cote@csun.edu.

Employees working on campus

We deeply appreciate the work of faculty and staff members who are continuing to provide necessary and critical functions on campus during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please refer to the following safety protocols and steps the university is doing to mitigate risk.


As a reminder, all employees coming to campus are required to complete the Returning to Campus Training in CSU Learn, and before each visit, complete the Employee Screening survey, and receive approval of their supervisor.

Mental health resources for employees

As a CSUN employee, when you or your family members (your dependents and permanent household members) need helpful guidance, problem assessment, short-term counseling, and/or referral to local resources, our Employee Assistance Program (LifeMatters) is available to assist you. Please refer to the following webpage for more information:https://www.csun.edu/benefits/lifematters-eap


Employees parking on campus will need to have a parking permit. Parking permit deductions will not be automatically initiated for all employees. Any employee who is interested in obtaining a parking permit should view the CSUN Parking & Transportation Services webpage.

Pay Warrant (paycheck) information

Information on live pay warrant (paycheck) distribution is available on the HR Virtual Service Highlights webpage.

Information on how to electronically view pay warrant/direct deposit advices and W-2 statements is available here.

Telecommuting/working remotely

CSUN will continue to be primarily virtual for the Spring 2021 semester.

The transition to working virtually involves gaining new skills sets to be effective and successful. We are here to support you in this transition by providing resources that cover a range of remote-working topics, including getting settled, setting up your remote workstation, digital communication and setting healthy boundaries and habits. With on-demand courses, articles, podcasts, checklists and books, our resources will provide you with information, action items, and tips you can implement today to gain confidence in your remote working capabilities and ensure you feel valued, connected, and have the tools to be successful.

Please view the following webpage on helpful tips and resources: https://www.csun.edu/hr/resources-telecommuting

Childcare, Eldercare, and Tutoring Resources

LifeMatters can help you plan for caregiving, or find additional support. It can help you find activities to keep the young ones busy and engaged, or guide you in helping parents age with dignity. In addition to tips on establishing a learning environment at home, or finding appropriate tutoring resources, LifeMatters can help with taking care of yourself.

For Direct Assistance (Free & Confidential) Call LifeMatters at 1-800-367-7474, or log on to myLifeMatters.com (password Matadors)

Employee Interest Groups and Social Circles

As a way to help employees connect and engage in activities of interest to one another, we have developed interest groups and social circles. Please visit the following webpage for information on these groups and when they meet: https://www.csun.edu/healthy-matadors/employee-interest-groups-social-circles.