Why Study Spanish

  • To acquire the ability to communicate both in spoken and written Spanish.
  • To appreciate the richness of cultures and a language with contributions that helped shape Western civilization and thought. Currently, Spanish literature has been the subject of 11 Nobel Prizes.
  • Spanish is the second most natively spoken language in the world.
  • It is an official/national language in 21 countries around the world and an official language in 15 international organizations such as the United Nations, the European Union, and the World Trade Organization.
  • It is the second most spoken language in the United States, which has the world's second largest Spanish-speaking population, and where it is formally recognized at the state level in various states.
  • It is an increasingly influential language on the world stage, as Latin America is host to some of the world's emerging and fastest-growing economies.
  • Due to its increasing presence in the United States and its role in the global economy, it is an indispensable asset in career development and can help you find a job in fields such as education, law enforcement, defense, foreign affairs, and the judiciary, among others.