Where Do Your Fees Go?
CSUN Student Union Fee Explained
Each semester, the CSUN Student Union Fee goes toward funding a wide variety of student-focused services, resources, programs and facilities provided by the University Student Union (USU). The USU is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation with a student-led board of directors.
What is a Mandatory Fee?
A fee initiated by students that all enrolled students are required to pay whether they use the service or not. Mandatory fees pay for student-focused programs, services and facilities. All student union fees at CSUN have been approved by a majority vote of students via a referendum.

$632 Per Year (2022–2023 Fiscal Year)*
Each CSUN student pays a Student Union Fee of $316 per semester (fall and spring). The summer fee is 60% of the prior spring semester’s fee — $187 for Summer 2022. A student enrolled in the fall and spring semesters would pay $632 for the academic year
- Programs & Services
$146.82 (23%)- Computer Lab
- Diversity & Inclusion
- DREAM Center
- Meeting Rooms for the Campus Community
- Pride Center
- USU Programs
- USU Reservations & Event Services
- Veterans Resources Center
- Bond Payments
$112.39 (18%)- Bond payments are used to repay money borrowed for construction and renovation of USU buildings and facilities. These funds are paid back to bondholders over a 30-year period, similar to a mortgage for a home.
- Supporting Services
$103.40 (16%)- Accounting
- Administration
- Board of Directors
- Human Resources
- Marketing
- Operations
- Technology Support Services
- Support services also includes property insurance and fees charged by the Chancellor’s Office to support their operations.
- New Project Expenditures
$67.62 (11%)- The USU is engaged in a Renovation & Expansion Project to design and build facilities that will meet the needs of today’s students and future Matadors. Funds are used to hire the services of contractors, architects, and consultants that occur prior to construction.
- Major Repair and Replacement
$49.12 (8%)- As a popular destination for all Matadors, keeping our facilities in good shape needs to be addressed. This represents actual costs incurred during the fiscal year for major purchases, repairs, or replacements approved by the Board of Directors.
- Student Recreation Center
$153.64 (24%)- It’s been proven that a student’s fitness and wellness are directly correlated to academic success. The USU provides a variety of ways for Matadors to connect, play, revive and engage.
- Aquatics
- Boxing
- Esports
- Fitness & Exercise Programs
- Games Room
- Intramural Sports
- Membership Services
- Oasis Wellness Center
- Sunny Days Summer Camp
- It’s been proven that a student’s fitness and wellness are directly correlated to academic success. The USU provides a variety of ways for Matadors to connect, play, revive and engage.
*The university’s fiscal year is July 1 – June 30. Data is typically available by the end of the calendar year following the close of the fiscal year.