TUC Sponsored Programs

Change of Status

Any changes in employee status must be processed according to the procedure described hereafter. A change in the current status of an employee may be:

  • An increase/decrease in monthly salary or hourly wages
  • An increase/decrease in time base (hours to be worked)
  • A change from hourly to a salaried appointment or vice versa
  • A reassignment in position

To request changes to the current status of an employee the Director must file the Action Request Form (doc) the form "Request for Change in Staff Employee Status (OHR 20-37). The Project Director must complete the form and obtain, if applicable, the necessary signatures from the Dean or MARS of his School. The Project Director then submits the form to The University Corporation, Sponsored Programs (TUC-SP). TUC-SP will confirm if sufficient funds are available in the budget of the effected project. After approval, TUC-SP will forward the Form to TUC Human Resources. TUC Human Resources will review the form for compliance with the appropriate policies and procedures. Thereafter, TUC Human Resources will forward the form to CSUN-Office of Human Resources (OHR). Approved changes will be input in the payroll and personnel database.

Procedure For Change In Employee Status

  1. Project Director
    • Determine need for, and scope of change in status
    • Obtain necessary form from TUC-HR (print) or OHR (web)
    • Complete Request for Change in Staff Employee Status (OHR Form 10-37)
  2. The University Corporation - Sponsored Programs
    Determine if sufficient funds are available in the appropriate project
  3. The University Corporation - Human Resources
    Review for completeness and forward to CSUN HR
  4. CSUN - Office of Human Resources
    Inform Director that the change has been approved and they can communicate that to the employee
  5. The University Corporation - Human Resources
    Enter changes in payroll, personnel database and employee file
  6. Project Director