TUC Sponsored Programs

PI Resources and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Required In-Person Training for New Principal Investigator's (PI)

As a result of a Chancellor's Office Audit, beginning January 1, 2014, all new Principal Investigators (PIs without a previous project at TUC) are required to attend an in-person training with their Liaison at the TUC-Sponsored Programs Office, during the first 3 months of their grant. All training to PI's must be documented and be confirmed by the PI.

Principal Investigators and Project Directors are ultimately responsible for the effective management, conduct, and integrity of their sponsored projects. The resources available in this section serve as guide to assist Project Directors and their administrative staff in performing those duties. This section includes information on how to submit purchase orders, hire employees, and other commonly asked questions that cover the basic administrative and financial functions associated with post-award management of sponsored projects.