TUC Sponsored Programs

Annual Review of CFDA Numbers


This procedure shall ensure that all Federal projects, direct and pass-through, do have the correct number of the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA number) assigned to them. This is of particular importance for the inclusion of the project during the annual A-133 audit, and the correct listing in the 'Schedule of Expenditures in Federal Awards'.


In preparation for the annual audit, all liaisons will review all their projects, if a CFDA number has been correctly applied.

Additionally, the sponsored programs team member in charge of the preparation of the A-133 project listing spreadsheet, will review all active projects for the correct assignment of a CFDA number.

The Director, Sponsored Programs will ensure that the activities above are completed correctly and in a timely manner.

For all projects, where a correct assignment of a CFDA number is not possible at the time, a common placeholder CFDA number will be assigned.


The liaisons are responsible for the CFDA numbers of federal projects related to their assigned colleges.

The person in charge of the A-133 project listing is responsible for the CFDA numbers for all federal projects.

The Director Sponsored Programs is responsible for the performance of the procedure.


The annual review of the CFDA number must be completed before the first draft of the A-133 project listing spreadsheet is provided to the A-133 auditor. Since the first draft contains usually the March financial information, the annual review of the CFDA numbers must be completed before the March A-133 project listing spreadsheet is prepared.