Marketing professors David Ackerman (#25) and Mary Curren (#47) are listed as among the top 99 "highly productive BME scholars," for their work published between 2005-2014.
Key Authors in Business and Management Education Research: Productivity, Topics, and Future Directions, is published in Decision Sciences. According to its authors this is the "first [study] to examine the productivity of BME (Business and Management Education) authors across disciplinary areas (I.e., accounting, economics, finance, information systems, management, marketing, and operations/supply chain management)."
Marketing Professor Kristen Walker's work on surrendering consumer information published in the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing and specifically her "Sharing-Surrendering Information Matrix" has been included in the most recent edition of the Andrews & Shimp IMC textbook.
(NOTE: The citation for Kristen's original publication is: Kristen L. Walker (2016) Surrendering Information Through the Looking Glass: Transparency, Trust, and Protection. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing: Spring 2016, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 144-158.)
Marketing Professor Franck Vigneron's work was recognized in a recent study published in the Journal of Business Research: Gurski, H., & Woisetschlager, D. M. (2017) "Mapping the luxury research landscape: A bibliometric citation analysis," Journal of Business Research. According to the authors, this is the "first [study] to review the current state of luxury research."
The authors mapped the research landscape to identify the most influential articles and most dominant intellectual foundations in the field of luxury research across disciplines. They examined 49,139 cited references from 1,315 publications from 1899 to 2015.
Franck is listed as among the "Top 25 Most Influential Authors" and is listed in multiple sub-categories but specifically as one of the 6 most influential authors in the sub-topic of luxury culture and branding for his work published between 1996-2015.
- Qin Sun has been selected to serve as guest editor for a special issue of the Journal of Global Marketing. Qin’s special issue will publish research on digital marketing practices and online consumer behavior in China.
- Kristen Walker co-edits a special issue of the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, called Marketing & Public Policy in a Technology-Integrated Society. The issue hopes to present a diverse set of perspectives in marketing and public policy that inform the present and future availability and use of data in an increasingly technology‑integrated interactive society.
It was a night to honor exceptional mentors at California State University, Northridge, but the five recipients of the 2017 Don Dorsey Excellence in Mentoring Awards just wanted to talk about their students.
Testimonials from former students spoke of Dommeyer as the “catalyst” to a successful career, someone who encouraged them to persevere until they reached heights they didn’t know they could reach. One former student was touched that Dommeyer wrote him a letter of recommendation for a job, and then followed up to see how things were going. Read More.
- Marketing Professor Kristen Walker was one of a handful of faculty and staff nominated by CSUN for a prestigious CSU-systemwide Wang Award. Kristen was selected as a nominee for CSUN in the category of "Outstanding Faculty Innovator in Student Success." Read the Full List of Nominees.
- California State University, Northridge marketing professor Curt Dommeyer has been honored with the 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Marketing Educators’ Association (MEA) for his 39 years of dedication to advancing the practice and scholarship of marketing education. Read More.
- Business Law Professor Nanci Carr received CSUN's "Exceptional Levels of Service to Students Award." This award is given to faculty that go beyond the requirements of regular faculty assignment in enhancing the student learning environment.
- Marketing Professor Kristen was awarded the American Marketing Association's Kinnear Award for Best Article in the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 2014-2016. The article, "Surrendering Information Through The Looking Glass: Transparency, Trust, & Protection" was published in Spring 2016 and explains the concept of surrendering to technology and presents a sharing- surrendering information matrix to address this phenomenon. The matrix clarifies the difference between surrendering versus sharing information online, leading to the proposition that current efforts to protect privacy and security, such as enhancing trust and transparency, lack legitimacy and will not be effective in the digital age.
- Finance Professor, Inga Chira, is named President Elect for the Academy of Financial Services Association for next year.
- Finance Professor, Dan McConaughy, has served as Editor of Business Valuation Review, an impact journal specialized in Business Valuations since 2014
- Finance Professor, Michael Phillips, has been an invited speaker to give a “master class” lecture to the annual Accredited Investment Fiduciary conference every year since 2014
- Finance Professors, Kristine Beck's and Inga Chira's paper, “Does the Source of Money Determine Retirement Investment Choices?" was reference in a U.S. News Money article.
- Nazarian College MAR, Cathleen Fager, was elected to the Board Of Directors of the systemwide CSU Academic Resources Conference in July 2018.
- Marketing Professor, Kristen Walker, was chosen to serve on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Consumer Affairs.
- Marketing Professor, Kristen Walker, was chosen to serve as co-editor of the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing's Special Issue on “Marketing and Public Policy in a Technology-Integrated Society.”
Professor of Systems and Operations Management, Ardavan Asef-Vaziri, is serving as the Track Chair for Innovative Teaching at the Decision Science Institute (DSI) National Conference for the fourth year. This year's innovative teaching track has 89 presentations on topics such as building courses around web-based games, case studies, manual games, excel in the classroom, Omni channels of course delivery (online, hybrid, flipped, conventional, team-based), active learning, computers, and tablets in classroom, research-based teaching, teaching based research, etc.
- Business Law Department Chair, Melanie Williams, was named the Associate Director of the Real Estate and Land Use Institute (RELUI) in August.
- Marketing Professor, Qin Sun, accepted an invitation to serve as permanent Co-Chair of the Session/Track on Global Marketing for the China Marketing International Conference (CMIC). This work is related to her editorial roles with the Journal of Global Marketing and the Journal of Asia Business Studies.
- Economics Professor, Robert Krol, was the invited speaker at a State Policy Network dinner in August 2017, addressing an audience of state think-tank CEOs on transportation issues.
- In January, Economics Professor, Robert Krol, appeared on the John Batchelor syndicated ABC radio program, co-hosted by Mary Kissel of the Wall Street Journal, in which he spoke on NAFTA and international trade policy.
- In January, Economics Professor and Adjunct Scholar at the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C, Shirley Svorny, was invited to speak at the Cato Health Policy Summit in Austin, Texas.
Economics Professor, Robert Krol, published several op-ed articles in newspapers across the country, including:
- “Time to Rethink How We Fund Highways,” Washington Times, March, 2018.
- “Managed Lanes can Reduce Traffic Congestion in Texas,” Houston Chronicle, January 2018.
- “Can Tolls Fix Congestion and Help the Poor?” Orange County Register, LA Daily News, and Press Enterprise, December 2017.
- “President Trump Stirs the Trade Policy Pot with NAFTA ‘Sunset Clause’,” Investor’s Business Daily, October 2017.
- “Driving Toward a New Highway Federalism,” InsideSources, Newsday, Jacksonville Journal-Courier, Zionsville Times-Sentinel, September 2017.
- “How Tolls Can Make U.S. Infrastructure Great Again,” The Fiscal Times, Yahoo! Finance, June 2017.
An article by Business Law Professors, Hilary Goldberg and Melanie Williams, and Marketing Professor, Dr. Deborah Cours has been cited in multiple publications.
Goldberg, H., Williams, M., Cours, D. A. (2015).It's a Nuisance: Fracking Litigation in the Wake of Parr v. Aruba Petroleum Inc. University of Virginia, 33(1), 1-22.
- The Law of Fracking section 14:4 (Thompson Reuters, 2017)
- Fracking the Sacred: Resolving the Tension between Unconventional Oil and Gas Development and Tribal Cultural Resources, 94 Denver Law Review 319 (2017).
- On Parr: The Use and Propriety of Appraisal Methods in Computing Fracking Awards, 35 Journal of Law and Commerce 55 (2016).
- Community Levers for Benefit Sharing, 21 Lewis & Clark Law Review 357 (2017).
- Shake, Rattle and Palsgraf: Whether an Actionable Negligence Claim Can be Established in Earthquake Damage Litigation, 11 Texas Journal of Oil, Gas & Energy Law 115 (2016).
- Litigation against Fracking Bans and Moratoriums in the United States: Exit, Voice and Loyalty, 40 William and Mary Environmental Law & Policy Review 745 (2016).
- Delegation and Dysfunction, 35 Yale Journal on Regulation 233 (2018).
Business Law Professor, Melanie Williams's and Economics Professor, Dennis Halcoussis's article "Unions and Democracy: When Do Nonmembers Have Voting Rights? " was cited by the Northwestern University Law Review in Reconciling Agency Fee Doctrine, the First Amendment, and the Modern Public Sector Union.
Business Law Professor, Melanie Williams's article "Tying and Bundled Discounts: An Equilibrium Analysis of Antitrust Liability Tests," has been cited by multiple publications.
- Antitrust Law Handbook, sections 2:18 (Tying arrangements) and 3:13 (Predatory pricing; bundled discounts and differential pricing) (Thomson Reuters 2017).
- Holmes, Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law, sections 6:5 (Single firm monopolization, 8:2 (Tying arrangements), 36:5 (Tying restrictions), 36:6 (Pooling arrangements) (Thomson Reuters, 2018).
Systems and Operations Management Professor, Kaveh Houshmand Azad was the Keynote Speaker at the Institute for Healthcare National Forum on Quality Improvement, speech title: Engaging Physicians in Leading Quality Improvement, December 2018, Orlando, FL.
- The Youth-Driven Information Privacy Education Campaign (YDIPEC) launched in August to help young people and their parents learn to safeguard their privacy online. The campaign is the culmination of a year-long grant awarded to California State University, Northridge marketing professors Kristen Walker and Tina Kiesler. Read More.
On April 6, David Ackerman was recognized as the 2017 Marketing Educator of the Year by the Marketing Educators' Association at its annual conference in San Diego. Each year since 1981 that international organization has bestowed this coveted award on a scholar whose contributions over many years have substantially advanced the scholarship and practice of marketing. David Nazarian College of Business and Economics faculty have won the award more than marketing faculty at any other institution. Previously awarded faculty include: Max Lupul (1981), Hal Kassarjian (1993), Bruce Lammers (2002), Mary Curren (2009), and Barbara Gross (2014). Read More.
Dr. Kristen Walker of the Department of Marketing has been named the 2017 Kellstadt Speaker for Marquette University. This list of presenters for this prestigious annual event, which has been held since 1998, is a veritable Who’s Who of the Marketing Discipline. The invitation letter to Dr. Walker characterized her as “a rising national star in our field.”
The Office of Research and Graduate Studies, with support from the Jerome Richfield Memorial Fund, organizes each year an event that celebrates a CSUN faculty member engaged in high quality, high-impact research, where they are named as the Richfield Memorial Fellow. The Fellow presents a lecture at the Provost’s Colloquium Series, which is designed to highlight and celebrate the scholarly achievements of our faculty, and to provide an opportunity for socialization among faculty, administrators, students, and staff.
In May, Economics Professor, Robert Krol's article, “America’s Highways and Bridges Aren’t Exactly Crumbling” was syndicated by Tribune News Service and appeared in 26 newspapers, including Newsday, NY News, and the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Business Law Professor, Melanie Williams's and Economics Professor, Shirley Svorny's article "Bad Math: How Non-Union Employees are Unconstitutionally Compelled to Subsidize Political Speech" was cited in the publication "Government Discrimination: Equal Protection law and Litigation."