Marilyn Magaram Center

Marilyn Magaram Center

Office Hours:
Monday 9:00am-4:00pm
Tuesday 9:00am-4:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am-4:00pm
Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm
Friday 9:00am-4:00pm

Office hours are subject to change. If you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us at or 818-677-3102.

We will communicate updates through our site, MMC Events, and our social media platforms according to the latest available information. Please continue to find the latest campus updates from the Matadors Forward website.

Ongoing Workshops

 The Whole Body Whole Health (WBWH) program is here to make cancer education and support services widely accessible to individuals affected by cancer.


 Thrive with Diabetes is our online diabetes management program that teaches you how to properly manage your diabetes through a number of avenues.


PreventT2 is for individuals living with pre-diabetes or are at-risk for developing diabetes.


Healthy Growers Training is a four week course that covers the basics of organic and regenerative vegetable gardening.


WIC is a nutrition program that helps pregnant women, mothers with infants and young children eat well, be active, and stay healthy.

Special Announcement

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Philip Magaram on August 22, 2021. The Marilyn Magaram Center was established by Phil and his family in 1991 as a tribute and memorial to Marilyn, who was an alumna and faculty of CSUN. 

No upcoming events are scheduled for this day.

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MMC Nutrition & Wellness Clinic

December 17, 2020

wellness clinic

The Nutrition and Wellness Clinic at the Marilyn Magaram Center (MMC) was founded with the mission to serve as the trusted nutrition and dietetics resource within our community, inspiring individuals to adopt healthier lifestyles through innovative education and counseling services. Read more

Sports Nutrition and Athlete's Cookbook

December 17, 2020

Athlete's Cookbook

The Marilyn Magaram Center recently released two anticipated e-books: Sports Nutrition: A Quick Guide to Fueling Your Workout and Athleteís Cookbook: Easy, Nutritious and Quick Recipes for Every Meal. Both e-books were released on the Nutrition Experts section of the MMC website in October 2020.  Read more

Staying Healthy While Staying Home

December 17, 2020

Staying Healthy While Staying Home

In response to the “Safer at Home” mandate and transition to virtual events within Los Angeles County, the Marilyn Magaram Center (MMC) developed a free interactive workshop series called ‘Staying Healthy While Staying Home’ (SHWSH).  Each workshop was comprised of nutrition education by various presenters followed by a live food demonstration of MMC recipes by Project Coordinator, Jenica Smith.  Read more


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