Faculty Development

Get Up to Speed with Unconscious Bias

We designed this self-paced, asynchronous program that will enable you to develop foundational knowledge about unconscious bias around race and ethnicity and the ways it appears in the teaching and learning process. The program is designed to benefit new and experienced faculty, and it is also a prerequisite for participation in the Institute for Transformative Teaching and Learning (ITTL).


When is it?

This self-paced ongoing program is available now. Complete the registration form to sign up. 

Who should enroll? 

Faculty committed to meeting the CSU’s GI2025 goals will learn evidence based strategies to: 

  • Closing equity gaps
  • Improving climate in your classroom
  • Improving student success 

You can take this individual course by itself, though it is a pre-requisite for enrollment in the Institute for Transformative Teaching and Learning.  

Preference for Self-Paced: This program is ideal for faculty who don't want to commit to specific meeting times and enjoy learning independently & asynchronously through accessing readings, videos and navigating instructional steps online. You can go at your own pace and even skip around to content and move back among the Modules for review.

What are the program goals & objectives?

The course is designed to take about 5 hours for completion, including reflective, modular activities. 

Program Goal

To prepare faculty for success in racial equity work by building foundational knowledge about unconscious bias around race and ethnicity and how bias presents in the higher education teaching and learning experience. Racial equity work refers to the intentional and conscious effort to provide fair access, opportunity, and advancement to each person in the organization, regardless of the individual's racial or ethnic identity.

Program Objectives

Our goal is to prepare faculty for success in racial equity work by building foundational knowledge about unconscious bias around race and ethnicity, and how bias presents in higher education teaching and learning experiences. Racial equity work refers to the intentional and conscious effort to provide fair access, opportunity, and advancement to each person in the organization, regardless of the individual's racial or ethnic identity.

By the end of the program, faculty will be able to:

  • Define unconscious bias
  • Recognize one’s own biases around race and ethnicity
  • Define terms related to the history of race and racism in the U.S., including stereotype, prejudice, discrimination, and oppression
  • Characterize the sources of bias
  • Explain the ways unconscious bias appears in the teaching and learning experience
  • List ideas for interrupting unconscious bias
  • Develop the motivation to go through the process of learning to interrupt bias in the teaching and learning experience

How do I sign up?

Use the "Apply Now" button at the top of the page.