Novel Coronavirus/COVID-19: What you Need to Know

March 12, 2020

The information below may change rapidly.  We will continue to monitor events related to COVID-19 and update resources and information as needed. On March, 4, 2020, Los Angeles County declared a state of health emergency re COVID-19, which has been identified in 6 tested cases. These cases are not at CSUN, but include presumed community transmission. Therefore, LAC Department of Public Health has asked everyone to increase their preventive measures to reduce risks of community transmission of this virus.  These recommendations have been added below.

According to the CDC:

  • There is an ongoing outbreak of respiratory illness, which was first identified in Wuhan City and Hubei province, China, caused by a novel (new) coronavirus, now named COVID-19
  • Person-to-person spread is occurring. The virus spreads through aerosols and secretions, such as from sneezing or coughing, and can last for hours on surfaces.
  • Cases have now been identified in many countries around the world.
  • Cases have been identified in the USA, including in Los Angeles County.  Many travelers from high risk areas who have been screened upon arrival in the USA and found to be infected have been hospitalized. Travelers exposed to confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been quarantined or asked to self-quarantine/isolate for 14 days to avoid spread of the virus.
  • Cases of community transmission have been identified in the United States, and preventive measures for aerosol infection transmission have been recommended for institutions, facilities, and the general public.
  • The situation is evolving, but public health officials are advocating for calm and preventive measures that can reduce the risk of transmission. This notice will be updated as more information becomes available.

Although some cases have been fatal, others infected may exhibit no or mild symptoms. It may take from 2 to 14 days for symptoms of the virus to appear. Symptoms of the virus include: feeling sick with fever of 100.4 F or more, cough, or difficulty breathing. The very young, the elderly, and those with a less effective immune system are considered higher risk. 

The CDC’s recommendations and precautions for travelers returning home can be found at If you have recently returned from international travel in outbreak areas such as China, Italy, Iran, Japan, and South Korea and are exhibiting such symptoms, please contact your healthcare provider or the Klotz SHC at (818) 677-3666, Option 1. Please avoid being close to or contacting others if you may be infected, and call your doctor or the Klotz SHC before visiting the clinic.

To reduce the chances of viral infection, especially now that the influenza season is in full swing, we recommend the following preventive measures:

  • Frequent and complete hand washing with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds.  If soap and water are not available, then alcohol-based sanitizers with greater than 65% alcohol may be temporarily substituted.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth. 
  • Avoid handshakes or other touching.  Keep 6 feet or more away from strangers, especially if they seem to be coughing or sneezing or otherwise ill.
  • Get a flu shot to protect yourself from influenza if you haven’t already had one this season and to reduce the risk of coming down with the flu and needing hospital care.
  • Sneeze and cough into a tissue or your sleeve.  Wash hands thoroughly and safely throw away used tissues.
  • Do not come in close contact with anyone else if you are ill, and do not share eating utensils, toothbrushes, etc. with others.
  • If you have symptoms of fever, cough, or shortness of breath, call your doctor or the SHC before going out.  Wear a mask if you have symptoms and must leave your home per your doctor’s instructions.  Avoid crowds and public transportation if you must go out, and stay 6 ft or more away from others.
  • Surgical masks do not guarantee protection from infection, as they are not airtight, but should be worn if you do have symptoms before going out or getting close to others.

LACDPH: Be Prepared

  • Have provisions that will last for you (water, food, medications, essential hygiene, etc.) if you have to stay home.
  • Get immunized against the flu. This will relieve what could be a highly impacted healthcare system
  • Stay home when you're sick (don't wait until you are VERY sick)
  • Make sure you are using a robust, regular cleaning schedule for frequently touched surfaces
  • Wash your hands frequently. For tips regarding proper handwashing, please view the CDC's video: "Fight Germs. Wash your Hands!"
  • Check our website for the most accurate information at

Doing these things will go a long way to protect individuals.

The CDC has also issued the most updated travel guidance related to COVID-19 at

 For the latest information, please visit: