• Menstrual Equity at CSUN

Menstrual Equity at CSUN

Menstrual equity involves de-stigmatizing periods and addressing menstruating individuals' lack of access to proper hygiene products. Explore the following sections to learn more about the menstrual equity work being done at CSUN.

Go With the Flow

Go With the Flow

The Go With the Flow program is funded by a Campus Quality Free obtained by Sarah Johnson (Institute for Sustainability), Dr. Lisa Chaudhari (Health Equity Research and Education Center), and Shira Brown (Women’s Research and Resource Center). Go with the Flow builds on years of collaboration with students, faculty, and staff and the work surrounding menstrual equity at CSUN.

Program goals:

  • To recognize and understand disparities associated with menstruation through peer-supported education.
  • Speak openly and confidently about menstruation without stigma.
  • Identify how to access a variety of menstrual health products to meet their individual needs.
  • Understand impact of single-use and reusable menstrual products.

Request a Presentation

The Peer Ambassadors are available to educate the campus community on menstrual equity, menstrual product options, and how to reduce stigma around menstruation through presentations, workshops and tabling.

Get Involved

Would you like to volunteer or learn more? Please contact us and follow us online:

Volunteers Needed: Are you passionate about menstrual equity? Or interested in educating others about menstrual sustainability? Go With the Flow is looking for volunteers, use the QR code to apply!

Volunteers Needed: Are you passionate about menstrual equity? Or interested in educating others about menstrual sustainability?

Go With the Flow is looking for volunteers, use the QR code to apply!" title="Volunteers Needed

Upcoming Events

C.R.A.M.P.S (College Resources for All Menstruating Persons) Fair

Come and learn about campus resources that will help you manage your menstrual cycle and participate in fun activities and giveaways.

Date: March 13th, 2025
Time: 10am - 2pm
Location: Sierra Lawn

C.R.A.M.P.S. Flow Forward: Thursday, March 13, 10am to 2pm; Sierra Lawn

Free Menstrual Product Locations

We’ve got you covered. Period.

CSUN is proud to provide FREE menstrual products in select restrooms across campus in recognition of CA Assembly Bill 367, the Menstrual Equity for All Act of 2021 and CSUN Associated Students Senate Bill 2021-22-002.

Beginning with the Fall 2022 semester, you will find free menstrual products in the following restrooms at CSUN:

Free menstrual products campus locations table.
BuildingFloorRoom #Restroom
Art Design Center1208Women’s
Art Design Center1315Women’s
Bayramian Hall1106Women’s
Bayramian Hall1161Women’s
Bayramian Hall1176Women’s
Bayramian Hall1506Men’s
Bookstein Hall11226Women’s
Bookstein Hall11244Women’s
Brown Center1105Gender Inclusive
Campus Bookstore1107Gender Inclusive
Chaparral Hall15120Women’s
Chaparral Hall25214Gender Inclusive
Citrus Hall13104Women’s
Cypress Hall1North WestWomen’s
Cypress Hall1North West
Next to 107
Gender Inclusive
Cypress Hall1South EastWomen’s
Education (Eisner) Bldg.11109Women’s
Eucalyptus Hall12116Women’s
Extended University Commons1107Women’s
Extended University Commons1111Gender Inclusive
Geronimo's1 Women’s
Housing Community Center  Women’s
Intercollegiate Athletics Office1Next to ReceptionGender Inclusive
Jacaranda Hall11108Women’s
Jacaranda Hall11120Women’s
Jacaranda Hall11505Women’s
Jacaranda Hall11611Women’s
Jerome Richfield Hall1109Women’s
Laurel Hall1By South EntranceGender Inclusive
Live Oak Hall11114Women’s
Manzanita Hall1106Women’s
Manzanita Hall1125Women’s
Manzanita Hall1186Women’s
Monterey Hall1148Gender Inclusive
Monterey Hall1150Gender Inclusive
Nordhoff Hall1South EastWomen’s
Nordhoff Hall1CenterWomen’s
Noski Auditorium1L104Women’s
Police Services1102Women’s
Redwood Hall1102ARestroom Women’s Volleyball
Redwood Hall1111Women’s Shower/Locker
Redwood Hall1128Women’s
Redwood Hall1132Women’s
Redwood Hall1161Women’s
Redwood Hall1171Women’s
Sagebrush Hall1104Women’s
Santa Susana Hall1136Gender Inclusive
Sequoia Hall1136Women’s
Sierra Hall1174Gender Inclusive
Sierra Hall1117Women’s
Soraya (Kurland Hall)1185Women’s
Soraya1130Gender Inclusive
Student Health Center1Next to 136Gender Inclusive
University Library1 (Center)By 104/ElevatorWomen’s
University Library1 (West Wing)154Women’s
Valera Hall1155Women’s
University Student Union Restroom Locations
BuildingFloorRoom # / DirectionsRestroom
Computer Lab1Exterior accessWomen's
East Conference CenterBasementNear elevatorWomen's
East Conference Center1Southwest corderWomen's
East Conference Center2East hallway 
Northridge Center1North hallwayGender Inclusive
Oasis Wellness Center1Inside the Oasis on the north sideWomen's
Plaza del Sol Performance Hall BalconyBalconyEast of stairs & elevatorWomen's
Sol Center Tower1Exterior access on Sol Center TowerWomen's
Sol Center Tower2Exterior access on Sol Center TowerWomen's
Sol Center Tower2Exterior access on Sol Center TowerGender Inclusive
South West Addition1Near elevatorsWomen's
South West Addition2Near elevatorsWomen's
Student Recreation Center1Near reception desk on 1st floorWomen's
Student Recreation Center1North end of 1st floorWomen's Locker
Student Recreation Center1North end of 1st floorFamily Locker / Gender Inclusive
Student Recreation Center2South end of 2nd floorGender Inclusive

Additional Resources

Reusable menstrual products include menstrual cups and discs, period underwear, and reusable pads. Reusable products reduce landfill waste, can save you money, and can be a healthier option.

CSUN Food Pantry

The CSUN Food Pantry offers free reusable and single-use menstrual products in addition to other toiletries to the CSUN community. These supplies may be limited. Individuals can visit the CSUN Food Pantry once a week. Please have your CSUN ID or myCSUNprofile accessible when you arrive.

Institute for Sustainability

The Institute for Sustainability offers free reusable menstrual cups. These supplies may be limited. Individuals can stop by the Sustainability Center Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm to pick one up. You can also schedule a brief meeting to ask any questions you may have!

Women’s Research and Resource Center

The Women's Research and Resource Center offers free reusable and single-use menstrual products to the CSUN community. These supplies may be limited. Please check the website for Center hours and more helpful information.

Learn more about healthier and more affordable reusable menstrual products and how you can request a free menstrual cup by visiting: CSUN Sustainable Menstruation Resource.

Additional Resources

How to Use Period Products

Access this period product use tutorial to learn how to use tampons, pads, period underwear, and menstrual cups.

Want to Speak with Someone?

Would you like to speak confidentially with someone about menstruation or any sexual and reproductive health topic?

Please call the Klotz Student Health Center at (818) 677-3666 and request an appointment with Clinical Patient Health Educator, Amy Reichbach.

Helpful Links

Please visit the following websites for useful information.

How to Report Malfunctioning Dispensers or Dispensers in Need of Refills

For refills or malfunctions, please contact Physical Plant Management (PPM) Work Control at 818-677-2222 or