Patriot Day Observance

Updating Personal Information


Students can now update their Name and Pronouns in PeopleSoft. Learn how to update your personal information

Diplomas can also be updated to display your First Name! To change your diploma name if applying to graduate online, file a Diploma Name Change Request (PDF). If using the paper Application for Bachelor's Degree and Diploma (PDF), indicate your diploma name on the form. Note that the last name must match your university records.

Faculty/Staff can update their Name and information at:

Legal Name

Is there a mistake in your information? To update your legal name, complete the Legal name change form. If you are a CSUN employee, please report your legal name change directly to Human Resources.


To update pronouns in PeopleSoft, please visit the personal information tutorial website.

For more information on how to update your personal information, please visit:

Student Legal Support Clinic

Need help with a legal name change, or unsure where to start?

The Student Legal Support Clinic (“Clinic”) is a unique collaboration between CSUN, the Associated Students and Southwestern Law School’s Community Lawyering Clinic. Enrolled CSUN students have access to legal assistance for select services including support in legal name change.

For more information on where to get started, visit the Student Legal Support Clinic website.

Book your legal consultation appointment at:

Contact the Clinic at or phone at (213) 738-5728.

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