If you've come here for information about how to change your password, visit the Need to Change Your Password? section on this page.
If you've come here for information about how to change your password, visit the Need to Change Your Password? section on this page.
Your network account is your gateway to access key applications and resources such as email, the CSUN Portal, SOLAR and network storage space. Full and part-time students, faculty and staff members can obtain a CSUN user ID and password.
Follow the instructions below to activate your CSUN account:
1. After you have applied to CSUN via Cal State Apply, you will receive an “Activate Your CSUN Account” email from the Office of Admissions sent to the address you provided in your online application. You should receive the email within one or two days of applying.
2. Once you’ve activated your CSUN email and CSUN Portal account, be sure to check them regularly so you don’t miss important information. The university will communicate with you through the portal and CSUN Gmail.
3. You can forward your CSUN email to a personal inbox, but be sure to add the CSUN senders’ email addresses to your contact list so the messages aren’t filtered as spam.
We recommend setting up automatic forwarding through your CSUN email account, where you’ll have the option to “Keep Gmail’s copy in the inbox.” Then, if a forwarded message is lost, you can still read the stored copy in CSUN email. Visit Gmail Help: Forwarding mail to another email account automatically.
For account activation details, visit After You Apply.
Need help? Try the options at CSUN Account Information.
A temporary CSUN user ID and password can be issued to faculty members who:
To request a temporary CSUN user ID and password, please have an administrator working in your department chair's office send an email to the IT Help Center with the following information:
To obtain a guest user ID and password, have an active employee submit a request to the IT Help Center.
Visit the Forgot User ID page.
Visit the Forgot My Password page to request a temporary code. Use this code to log in. You will then be prompted to change your password. If you need additional assistance, contact the IT Help Center by phone at (818) 677–1400 or stop by in person (University Library, first floor, Learning Commons). Note: For security reasons, the Help Center is unable to reset your password via email.
Visit the Change My Password page and enter your CSUN user ID and current password.
When creating your new password it:
Multi-factor authentication adds a second layer of security to your online accounts. To enroll in Duo, visit the Duo page.
Updating your Faculty or Staff Email Password on an Apple iOS Device (.pdf)
Updating/Syncing Your Password on a CSUN Managed Windows Machine
Updating/Syncing Your Password on a CSUN Managed Mac
Steps for updating your password will vary. Please refer to your manufacturer’s documentation.
Change Your AD Admin Service Account Password Remotely (.pdf)
Please refer to the CSUN Passwords and Standards Guidelines (.pdf) and the CSUN User ID Standard (.pdf) for more information.