
Logo for eProcess+ Initiative

CSUN eProcess+ is a campus-wide initiative using technology to digitally transform processes for our students, faculty and staff.  The initiative leverages applications such as Adobe Sign, myCSUNbox, OnBase, SOLAR, and others to create user friendly, efficient online processes using workflow and electronic signatures.

The following four guiding principles help prioritize the processes to transition to electronic and/or digital platforms.

  • High Impact - Processes that are frequently used by students, faculty and/or staff, time sensitive, and which most impact the constituent’s CSUN experience.
  • Risk Management/Safety/Security – Processes that are identified as necessary to minimize or mitigate risk, or which protect CSUN constituents from a safety, security or privacy perspective.
  • Compliance – Processes that are mandated by federal, state, local, CSU and CSUN policies, including those of the recognized auxiliaries.
  • Productivity  – Enhance processes that are time-consuming, duplicative, and/or require excessive approval

Want to Get Started?

These individuals have been identified as eProcess+ liaisons and serve as points of contact to provide assistance and answer questions regarding the eProcess+ initiative.

This table includes the liaisons for the eProcess+ initiative.
Division/College/Department Contact Name
Academic Affairs Stephanie Nguyen
Administration and Finance Edith Winterhalter; Karen Pak
Human Resources Kristina de la Vega
Information Technology Anu Nagarajan
President's Office Nicole Mills
Student Affairs Paul Schantz
The University Corp Grace Slavik
Tseng College David Leung
University Advancement Ira Unterman

Not sure what tool is the best option? Use the eProcess+ Tools job aid to help you get started.

Information coming soon!

Do you have a Digital Transformation request or inquiry for our team?

Use this form to submit a Digital Transformation Request.

Contact Us

CSUN Information Technology

Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm

Faculty Technology Center
(818) 677-3443

IT Help Center
(818) 677-1400

Information Security
(818) 677-6100

Universal Design Center
(818) 677-5898

Classroom Support
(818) 677-1500

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