Dr. Claudia Toledo-Corral


Lilac Hall 108
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330

Phone: (818) 677-4937

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Support the HERE Center

If you would like to support the HERE Center, please consider making a donation today! Your gift can make a difference in addressing health disparities in the San Fernando Valley. By making a donation, you help improve health equity in the Valley and surrounding communities through education, community-academic partnerships, and health disparities research. If you would like to know more about our current projects, you can read about them here.

  • Funding for health disparities research (i.e. maternal health, housing equity, etc.)
  • Funding for pilot projects and research partnerships
  • Community events that connect CSUN and community partners together
  • Professional development opportunities for students and faculty
  • Internship opportunities for students working towards health equity
  • Enhancing existing student support programs (Badge Project)


You can donate online through clicking the HERE Center donation page or the HERE Center Scholarships page.

You can also manually access them through the CSUN Foundation Giving page. Please go to the “Find a Fund” search bar and type “HERE Center.” The search results will show either “HERE Center” or “HERE Center Scholarships,” and depending on where you’d like to donate, please click either one of them. You can give a donation one time, as a recurring gift, or as a pledge.

You can also donate by check or money order payable to CSUN Foundation/HERE Center and mail to the address below:

California State University, Northridge Foundation,
18111 Nordhoff Street,
Valera Hall 110,
Northridge, CA 91330-8296

Fill out the one of the Faculty/Staff Payroll Deduction Authorization forms below, select “I wish to designate my payroll deduction to a specific department, program, center, or purpose” and designate the HERE Center. Submit this form to the CSUN Foundation, mail drop 8296.

Faculty/Staff Payroll Deduction – Auxiliary Employee
Faculty/Staff Payroll Deduction – University Employee

For more information, contact the Foundation at 818-677-4657.
On behalf of the HERE Center, we sincerely thank you for your support.

Dr. Claudia Toledo-Corral


Lilac Hall 108
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330

Phone: (818) 677-4937

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Community Health Story

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