
COVID Sanitization Protocol for Offices, Classrooms and Labs

Custodial Capacity

PPM has increased Custodial Day Shift staffing to sanitize priority areas as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  These areas include:

  1. Occupied Classrooms and Teaching Labs
  2. Restrooms
  3. Frequently Touched Surfaces - Door handles/knobs, faucets, door push bars, elevator buttons, hand rails, automatic door plate buttons, etc.

Increased Cleaning and Sanitization Equipment

All PPM sanitization systems use EPA registered disinfectant proven effective in neutralizing COVID-19 virus.  PPM Custodial Services utilizes the following sanitizing equipment:

  1. Large area portable disinfecting misters to sanitize large spaces using an EPA registered disinfectant cleaner
  2. Small area handheld electrostatic sprayers to sanitize smaller spaces using proprietary (EPA registered) disinfecting tablets
  3. Portable Touch-Free Restroom Restoration System to rapidly and effectively clean and sanitize large area restroom tile, partitions, fixtures, and flooring
  4. PPM traditional spray and wipe protocols using an EPA registered disinfectant
  5. CDC approved hand sanitizer foam dispensers located in high traffic public spaces and occupied classrooms/labs
  6. Disposable sanitizing wipes (with 70% alcohol content) and dispenser stands located in occupied classrooms/labs
  7. Two liter and personal size CDC approved hand sanitizer gel available for lower traffic areas and offices
  8. Vacuum cleaners replaced with HEPA units
  9. Autonomous floor scrubbers to clean large area indoor hallways to allow Custodial staff more time to complete sanitization tasks
  10. For more information on chemical and equipment specifications, contact PPM Work Control at x2222 or ppm.wcc@csun.edu.

Classroom/Labs: Assessment

Labs have been assessed by EH&S and PPM staff with department representatives to determine space occupancy, physical distancing requirements, and cleaning / sanitization protocols:

  1. Equipment and chemicals used
  2. Presence of any sensitive equipment in the space
  3. Sanitization protocols for sensitive equipment
  4. Sanitization tasks completed by Custodial staff and department staff / users

Standard Cleaning Protocols for Classrooms/Labs and Offices

Classrooms/Labs and Offices: Routine Cleaning

Daily routine cleaning includes emptying trash, spot mopping, and dust mopping floors.

Weekly routine cleaning includes daily tasks in addition to dusting horizontal and high reach surfaces, sweeping and dry mopping floors (or vacuuming carpets) and damp mopping floors.

Note: The above is independent of sanitization protocols described below.

Classrooms/Labs: Sanitization

In addition to routine cleaning, classrooms and labs are sanitized by PPM Custodial staff after each use and checked daily.

Note:   Labs with less than one hour between classes utilize DIY sanitization by occupants using PPM provided supplies.  Please verify with instructor.

Sanitized areas include:

  1. Horizontal Surfaces - Including, but not limited to, tables, chairs, sinks, countertops, shelves, cupboard handles, and podiums.
  2. High Touch Areas - Including, but not limited to, doors/handles, handrails, light switches, and AV controls.
  3. Routine cleaning protocols and procedures apply to all other areas.
  4. All Lab equipment is subject to current sanitization procedures unless specifically identified as not applicable by individual during the Custodial walk through.

Department Offices/Suites

Regular cleaning frequency is dependent upon office usage as determined by Custodial walk through.  Cleaning frequency questions should be directed to Travis Thomas at extension 5537 or travis.thomas@csun.edu.  Cleaning procedures outlined above apply to department offices and suites.

Private Offices

Daily service of unoccupied private offices is reduced to increase sanitization efforts on campus.

  1. Private offices occupied on a daily basis should be coordinated with the appropriate Custodial Manager available to ensure regular service. To contact your Custodial Manager, check our list online or contact the Work Control Center at extension 2222.
  2. Private offices occupied infrequently are cleaned upon request by contacting PPM Work Control at extension 2222 or ppm.wcc@csun.edu.
  3. Cleaning procedures outlined above apply to private offices.

Note:   Trash cans in private offices must be placed outside locked office doors to be emptied by Custodial staff as needed regardless of occupancy frequency.  This reduces staff time needed to check trash cans behind locked doors to enable increased sanitization requirements.  Thank you in advance for your support.


Protocols and procedures are subject to change based on CDC, CDPH and EH&S recommendations.


REV: 8-11-2020