Associated Students (AS) offers many things including Outdoor Adventures, Sports Clubs, Sustainability initiatives, Marketing services Productions and events, a Ticket Office which sells tickets and passes at discounted prices, a Children’s Center, and Student Leadership opportunities. To find out more about what Associated Students offers, click here.
Looking for CSUN events, or student discounts? A.S. has got you covered with a calendar of event happenings, list of community discounts and other resources. Select any of the links below for more information on other CSUN service.
Matador Information Network Display (MIND) screens are used to advertise on-campus events and announcements. The MIND screens are found throughout campus in Bayramian Hall, the Matador Bookstore and other high-traffic areas.
Student Legal Support Clinic

The Student Legal Support Clinic (“Clinic”) is a unique collaboration between CSUN, the Associated Students and Southwestern Law School’s Community Lawyering Clinic. The Clinic is directed by Southwestern Professor and Directing Attorney Julia Vázquez and staffed by law students under her direct supervision.

The A.S Ticket Office makes commuting to CSUN easier! We offer transportation information and services to our fellow Matadors and community. Whether you are commuting locally with Metro or making you way from the Antelope Valley, you can count on us to help you find your way to where Matadors belong!