Need Advisement?

Students with general queries regarding the Geological Sciences advising & resources can visit the Department of Geological Sciences at Live Oak 1202 or call (818) 677-3541.

Learn More About Advising

Department Chair

Richard Heermance

Live Oak 1202

18111 Nordhoff Street

Northridge, CA 91330-8346

Phone: (818) 677-2052

Send email


Department of Geological Sciences

Lectures Presented by the Department of Geological
Sciences and the Geology Club

Upcoming Speakers

Date Speaker Speaker Information

February 25, 2025

1PM - 2PM

Photo of Annelisa Mo (Heal the Bay)

Annelisa Mo

Heal the Bay

Topic: Caving, Mapping, Spelunking in the Philippines

Talk Title: Cave Exploration and Cartography in Mindanao, Phillipines


April 9, 2025

1PM - 2PM

Photo of Dr. Raul Castro

Dr. Raul Castro 

Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación (CICESE)

Talk Title: Seismic Energy Radiated by Earthquakes in the Gulf of California, Mexico

April 16, 2025

1PM - 2PM

D. Sarah Stamps portrait

Dr. Sarah Stamps

Virginia Tech

Talk Title: Geodetic Evidence of Magma Reservoir Evolution Beneath Ol Doinyo Lengai

October 24, 2025

2:30 - 3:30 PM

Photo of Carolina Martinez Gutierrez

Dr. Carolina Martinez Gutierrez

UC Santa Barbara

Title: TBA

Location: TBA


Past Speakers

Date Speaker Information

November 12, 2024

1PM - 2PM

Photo of Zach Eilon

Dr. Zach Eilon, Assistant Professor

UC Santa Barbara

Talk Title: Observations and Simulations of Small-Scale Convection Beneath the Oceanic Plates


October 22, 2024

1PM - 2PM

Photo of Cristo Ramirez

Dr. Cristo Ramirez, CSU Northridge Post-Doctoral Researcher

Talk Title: Using Love and Rayleigh Wave Velocity Models to Investigate the Seismic and Volcanic Variation along the Alaskan Subduction Zone


December 5, 2023

12:30PM to 1:30PM

Speaker Jorge Vasquez

Jorge Vasquez


Talk Title: Voluminous Pliocene eruptions from northern California volcanoes and their ash-bed archive in marine sediments


May 2, 2023

12:30PM to 1:30PM

Speaker Dr. Joann Stock

Dr. Joann Stock, Professor of Geology and Geophysics

California Institute of Technology

Talk Title: From Rifting to Subduction Initiation: Cenozoic Tectonics South of New Zealand

Research Interests: Plate tectonics; structural geology; evolution of plate boundaries; stress and deformation in the lithosphere; physical volcanology; tectonics and regional structure of the Pacific-North America and Pacific-Australia plate boundaries; active volcanism and CO2 emissions; tectonics of Venus.

Wednesday, April 26th, 2023

11:30AM to 12:30PM

Speaker Ricki Clark

Ricki Clark, Public Affairs Associate

Las Virgenes Municipal Water District

Talk Title: Drought, Flood, or Bust? Navigating Water Supply Challenges in an Increasingly Unpredictable Climate


Tuesday, March 28th, 2023

12:30PM to 1:30PM

Location: LO1212

Speaker Dr. Carolina Ortiz Guerrero

Dr. Carolina Ortiz Guerrero, Post-Doctoral Researcher

California State University Northridge

Talk Title: Timescales and conditions for decoupled crustal flow in the Pioneer Mountains Metamorphic Core Complex


Wednesday, March 8th, 2023

12:30 PM to 1:30 PM

Location: LO1227

Speaker Dr. Alyssa Abbey

Dr. Alyssa Abbey, Assistant Professor

California State University Long Beach

Bio: Dr. Alyssa Abbey is an Assistant Professor in the department of Geoscience at California State University Long Beach (CSULB). She studied Geology and French at the University of Arizona and then completed her PhD at the University of Michigan researching continental rifting and fault growth using various geological dating methods. Her postdoctoral work, at the University of California, Berkeley, took her into new fields, studying active faults in Argentina, and water-rock interactions combining geochemistry, geochronology, and modeling. At CSULB, her research is split into research on tectonics and fault processes as well as geoscience education accessibility. Check out her children’s graphic novel on how mountains are made and change over time! (More information can be found on her website:

Talk Title: Neogene to Present Landscape Evolution in the southern Colorado Rockies: Insights from Geo- and Thermochronology


Thursday, November 17, 2022

12:30 PM to 1:30 PM

Speaker Dr. Alexis Ault

Dr. Alexis Ault, Associate Professor

Utah State University, Department of Geosciences

Talk Title: Shallow, transient slow slip in the southern San Andreas fault system: insights from natural and experimental hematite and hematite-clay slip surfaces


Tuesday, November 8, 2022

12:30 PM to 1:30 PM

Speaker Dr. Claire Till

Dr. Claire Till, Associate Professor

Humboldt State University, Department of Chemistry

Talk Title: Global Iron Cycling: Linking Earth's crust, oceans, and food webs


Tuesday, November 1, 2022

12:30 PM to 1:30 PM

Speaker Dr. Heather Ford

Dr. Heather Ford, Associate Professor

University of California Riverside, Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences

Talk Title: New measurements of seismic attenuation across the East African Rift support a model of rift-dominated melting


Tuesday, March 8th, 2022

12:30 PM to 1:30 PM

Location: via ZOOM (contact for link)

Speaker Dr. Eugene Cordero

Dr. Eugene Cordero, Professor

San Jose State University, Department of Meteorology and Climate Science

Research Interests: Understanding the processes responsible for long-term changes in climate through the use of observations and atmospheric models.

Talk Title: The role of climate change education on individual lifetime carbon emissions


Wednesday, March 30th, 2022

12:30 PM to 1:30 PM

Speaker Dr. Sarah Aarons

Dr. Sarah Aarons, Assistant Professor

University of California San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Research Interests: Isotope systems as tracers of weathering and geologic history, geochemical techniques to determine paleo dust provenance and transport pathway, and tracing modern dust sources and nutrient composition.

Talk Title: The role of dust on Earth's climate: insights from the paleoclimate record & modern ecosystems

Tuesday, April 12th, 2022

12:30 PM to 1:30 PM

Speaker Dr. Robert Rudnick

Dr. Roberta Rudnick, Distinguished Professor


Mary Ringwood, PhD Candidate

University of California Santa Barbara

Research Interests: Geochemistry and Petrology, Continent Formation and Evolution

Talk Title: TBA

Check back with us for continuous updates!
Please send questions and comments to

Need Advisement?

Students with general queries regarding the Geological Sciences advising & resources can visit the Department of Geological Sciences at Live Oak 1202 or call (818) 677-3541.

Learn More About Advising

Department Chair

Richard Heermance

Live Oak 1202

18111 Nordhoff Street

Northridge, CA 91330-8346

Phone: (818) 677-2052

Send email

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