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New Department Chairs Orientation 2021

New Chairs Orientation Agenda

Presentations From the Orientation

Department Budget Overview: Tools and Resources (.ppt)
Callie A. Juarez, Director, Academic Budget Management

Department Chair Appointments and Lecturer Matters: Entitlements and Order of Assignment (.ppt)
Carmen Lichtscheidl, Senior Academic Personnel Analyst
Michelle Kilmnick, Director of Faculty Affairs

Retention, Tenure, and Promotion (RTP) and the Department Chair's Role (.ppt)
Diane Guido, Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs
Ken Luna, Chair, Department of Linguistics; Chair of the Council of Chairs

Things I Wish I Had Known As A New Chair (.ppt)
Rosa Angulo-Barroso, Department Chair, Kinesiology
Sal Esparza, Department Chair, Health Sciences
AJ Kim, Department Chair, Theater

Nuts and Bolts: Faculty Discipline, Grievances, Leaves, and Additional Pay (.ppt)
Diane Guido, Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs
Michelle Kilmnick, Director of Faculty Affairs
Chanel Johnson, Academic Personnel Analyst

Q&A with Provost and Dean (.ppt)
Mary Beth Walker, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Jackie E. Stallcup, Interim Dean, College of Humanities

Emergency Hires & Substitute Assignments

Entitlements and Assignment of Work

Establishing Pools - Careful Consideration & Evaluation of Faculty

Sabbatical-DIP Leaves and Personal-Professional Leaves without Pay

Handling Difficult Situations

Workload Issues

Student Privacy

Other Helpful Resources

Equity and Diversity_New Chairs Orientation

CHAIRS FAQs Document

The Chairperson in Transition 2008 PowerPoint