Summer Academic Enrichment Program

Geometry I AB


1.     Students must possess strong skills in math.
2.     Students must have completed an accredited Algebra I A/B course with a passing grade of C or better. 
3.     Students must be willing to commit to considerable home study in addition to five (5) hours of class time per day.

Course Description:
Geometry I A/B is a highly concentrated and accelerated class and is not meant for students seeking either a preview or a review course in geometry. The course is normally taken during the entire second year in the basic sequence of college preparatory mathematics. Only the most capable mathematics students are advised to attempt this course in the five-week summer academic program.
Geometry I A/B offers the study of geometry as a mathematical system that develops powers of spatial visualization, and stresses inductive and deductive reasoning as methods of problem solving. SAEP offers a class designed as a preview course through the enrichment program. If your child needs to complete just one semester of this course, you may register for just that one semester. However, there is no fee reduction. Also, if your child only needs to take the second semester, we recommend that they attend the first semester as well, to help prepare them for the second semester.
