Valley Trauma Center

Change 4 Community: Moving Towards Solidarity - Part III

Saturday, September 26, 2020 - 10:00am to 12:00pm

Home Activity
Community 4 Change Flyer - Final.png

In response to racial injustice, civil unrest, and the Black Lives Matter Movement, StrengthUnited in collaboration with The Wellness Institute, and UrbanPromise LA have joined forces to provide a 4-part series via Zoom for the Canoga Park community and surrounding neighborhoods. The goals are to take action, raise awareness, and process racial injustice and its impact on our community from their home.  We are calling this Change 4 Community: Moving Towards Solidarity.

Part III 9/26/20  Photo & Process  * ages 12 and up*
Our facilitators will lead a guided discussion. We invite folks to explore their community with a picture that tells the group a story.