Nonrestrictive Registration, Fall 2024
Nonrestrictive (open) registration for fall 2024 classes starts July 3, 2024.
If you haven't met with your academic advisor yet, please do so now:
During Nonrestrictive Registration, you can:
- Enroll without an appointment if you are a matriculated CSUN student.*
- Repeat courses previously taken at CSUN. Check with your advisor first.
- Add open classes without permission (restricted classes always require permission).
- Wait list for closed classes — up to 13 units.
Nonrestrictive Registration ends August 25, the day before weekday classes begin.
*Matriculated students are enrolled in CSUN degree program. Nonmatriculated students are not enrolled in a CSUN degree program. Visitors may enroll through the Tseng College (extension), please visit University Access.