Matadors Forward
January 21, 2022
Dear Colleagues,
We are happy to share, you may now submit your booster self-certification.
To access:
- Login to the myNorthridge Portal
- Go to the Policies and Procedures pagelet on the Faculty or Staff tab and select the EE Vaccine Self-Certification link
- Complete the form accordingly
Note: If you previously input your booster date, please be sure to go back and include the manufacturer details.

Reminder: In preparation for the start of in person instruction on February 14, 2022, all non-represented employees and students who are accessing campus facilities must provide certification of booster no later than February 4, 2022 or upon eligibility according to CDC guidelines.
All represented employees are encouraged to obtain their booster as soon as eligible and input their certification. We will update you of specific timeline requirements after the meet and confer processes are completed.
Schedule a booster appointment by visiting
Auxiliary employees should check with their respective Human Resources office for certification procedures.
Please regularly visit the MATADORS FORWARD website for the latest guidance and information, including updated employee FAQs. Should you have any questions, please reach out to Human Resources, Employee Relations at or 818-677-6566.
Mary Beth Walker, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
William Watkins, Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Colin Donahue, Vice President for Administration and Finance & CFO