Campus Advisory – Update 1/14/2025
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Closure

Department Chair

Katherine Stevenson, PhD

Live Oak Hall (LO) 1300 18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330-8285

Phone: 818-677-2721

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Teacher Preparation

Courses offered for students intending to teach in elementary or junior high school: Math 210Math 211Math 310, and Math 312.

For further information contact the Liberal Studies coordinator, Michael Neubauer.

For more information see the Department of Elementary Education website.

Thank you for your interest in the teacher preparation options of the math major. These
options are:

  • Secondary Teaching
  • the Four-Year Integrated Mathematics Teacher Credential Program (FYI-Math)
  • the Junior-Year Integrated Mathematics Teacher Credential Program (JYI-Math)

FYI- and JYI-Math require the same mathematics courses as the Secondary
Teaching Option and integrate 36 additional credential units. FYI- and JYI-Math students earn
both a Bachelor's degree in mathematics and a preliminary single subject California teaching
credential in mathematics simultaneously. FYI and JYI students are prepared to begin teaching
middle or high school mathematics immediately after graduation.

Students in the Secondary Teaching Option earn a Bachelor’s degree in mathematics and are prepared to enter CSUN’s Single Subject Mathematics Teaching Credential Program when they graduate.

FYI-Math and JYI-Math include nearly identical requirements. FYI-Math is designed for an
entering freshman who is able to commit to a full-time program, intends to major in math, and
has decided on a secondary teaching career. FYI-Math students must be ready to take Math 150A (first semester calculus) and freshman composition during the fall semester of their freshman year.

Note that FYI-Math students must place into Math 150A and freshman composition in order to participate in the program. JYI-Math is designed for math majors who have completed the lower division general education requirements and the lower division core of the math major with sufficient grades (a GPA of at least 2.6 is required for all courses in the math major and no major course grade may be lower than C). Students considering JYI, but who have not completed the entrance requirements, should declare the Secondary Teaching Option of the math major.

The FYI-Math, JYI-Math and Secondary Teaching Options of the math major include field experiences in middle and high school classrooms, university faculty dedicated to teaching in the programs, specialized academic and professional advisement, and a socially and academically supportive environment. FYI and JYI also include preparation to teach in culturally diverse classrooms.

Please see the catalog for more information:

FYI Program and JYI Program

CSUN students in math major options other than Secondary Teaching, FYI, or JYI may prepare for the credential program entry requirements by carefully selecting their electives to include some of the courses found in the secondary options. Students interested in earning their credential should discuss this with their advisor in their pre-registration appointment.

For information about CSUN’s Credential Program, go to the Credential Office website, which includes links for Credential advisement and other relevant information.

Elementary Teaching

Mathematics for Prospective Elementary School Teachers
Resources for students interested in becoming an elementary school teacher:

Department Chair

Katherine Stevenson, PhD

Live Oak Hall (LO) 1300 18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330-8285

Phone: 818-677-2721

Send email

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