Two Generations in One Classroom
While Jane Minogue was obtaining her Master's in English at CSUN, she would sometimes see a familiar fellow student in her classes...her daughter Sarah, who was also at CSUN getting her bachelor's degree in English, too. Taking courses with her daughter was one of many different reasons why Jane gives back to CSUN. As a student of interdisciplinary studies, English is just one of many different areas of discipline that interests Jane. With an appreciation for computer science and sciences in general, she had a special fascination with Professor Scott Kleinman's course on Digital Humanities. The concept of intertwining two of her passions, English and science, excited her to the point of creating a special fund just for Digital Humanities. "CSUN is welcome to the support. The hope is that my small seed funds attract other donors so the digital humanities program can grow."

If you would like to make an impact on the College of Humanities, please contact Suren Seropian, Director of Development at 818-677-7135 or