HR Contacts - Payroll Administration

Payroll is responsible for providing accurate and timely payment for all employees of the University based on documentation provided by Departments relative to hours, absences and employee status. Payroll also maintains and monitors employee leave credit records and Excess Plus/Minus balances; processes deductions and tax with-holdings; and notifies employees of accounts receivable in the event of an over-payment.

Department Roster Contact List:

To determine which staff member in Payroll is assigned to assist with matters in your department, please please view the HR Payroll and Operations Roster Contact Listing.  

You can readily search by Department ID, or Department Name.

Payroll Contacts:

Joe Medina | Associate Director of Academic Personnel & Payroll Operations

Raquel Hernandez | HR Payroll Lead Technician

Ian Muncal | HR Payroll Lead Technician

Rose Hoang | Absence Mgmt, Time & Labor Coordinator

Marie Bonty | Payroll Technician

Henny Chandra | Payroll Technician

Karina Perez Rodriguez | Payroll Technician

Ashley Arechiga | HR Ops/Payroll Assistant

Vacant | HR Ops/Payroll Coordinator

  • E-Mail: 
  • Telephone; (818) 677 - 2480
  • Fax: (818) 677 - 5870