CSUN Fire Advisory and Resources – Update 1/22/2025

Shefali Mistry

Associate Vice President of Government and Community Relations

Phone: (818) 677-5145
Fax: (818) 677-7209

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Get Involved

By becoming a CSUN Advocate, individuals can help maximize positive contact with elected officials.  Advocates reinforce messages regarding the value that the university provides to the greater Los Angeles region and California as a whole.  We train Advocates to gather data from stakeholders, key business leaders, alumni and the political “grapevine” to begin early cultivation and advocacy on behalf of CSUN.  We reinforce with elected officials how critical the return on investment of public higher education is to the region/state and how vital this return is to workforce and economic development.

Become a CSUN Advocate

Do you have a personal or professional connection to one of our missions, or a community issue?  Become a voice and ambassador for CSUN. We encourage you to visit us and take a tour, learn about our distinctions and events, or partner on issues of mutual concern. The CSUN Office of Government & Community Relations can help guide you to information of interest. 

You can also join our Legislative Advocacy Network and help promote CSUN and the value of public higher education to policymakers in California.

What does CSUN advocacy consist of?

Campus advocacy strategies and approaches vary throughout the year, depending upon the level of government, the election cycle, and immediate legislative issues at hand.  For example, from January through August, Government and Community Relations is engaged in system wide advocacy in Sacramento related to the governor’s budget and overall California State University messages. After the May Revise of the governor’s budget is released, the advocacy approach shifts to a strategy of targeting legislative leadership and regional legislators by using key contacts, business leaders and California State University leadership.

Shefali Mistry

Associate Vice President of Government and Community Relations

Phone: (818) 677-5145
Fax: (818) 677-7209

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