Educational Psychology & Counseling

Educational Psychology & Counseling

Master's DegreeCredentialApplications

Welcome to Fall 2024!

Shari Tarver Behring

We are proud that the Michael D. Eisner College of Education remains one of the largest Colleges of Education in the CSU system, providing to our surrounding communities hundreds of outstanding new professionals in the fields of education, counseling, administration, and Deaf Studies. The Eisner College engages in transformative education and initiatives that put into practice our commitment to social justice, equity, access, and inclusion, and supporting the social-emotional well-being of university, school, and community members. I am grateful to our talented faculty, staff, alumni, and community partners, all instrumental in ensuring the excellence of our educational programs and community-serving centers. We have reason to be proud as we prepare our students to make positive contributions to our world!

Dean Shari Tarver Behring

EPC News

Exceptional Service to Students Awards

March 18, 2024

CSUN Exceptional Service to Students

Congratulations to Dr. Angélica Galván (Educational Psychology & Counseling) and Kelly Opdycke (Special Education) for receiving the Exceptional Service to Students Award for the 2024-25 Academic Year. We are proud of you and appreciative of your great work with students! Read more


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