Student Success at a Glance Spring Newsletter 2021

Lower Division Equity Gaps

With the pivot to a primarily virtual campus in Fall 2020, one major concern was how this would impact student learning. In comparing students’ grades in Fall 2020 to Fall 2019, we found that course passage rates were very similar across the two semesters, with passage rates in Fall 2020 slightly better than Fall 2019 (lower division: 86.4% in Fall 2020 vs. 84.4% in Fall 2019.

Graph of Lower Division Equity Gaps for Fall 2019 vs Fall 2020

Upper division Equity Gaps

Upper division: 92.6% vs. 91.5%); equity gaps looked similar across the two semesters as well, though there was some evidence of increased race (URM) gaps, especially at the upper division.

Graph of Upper Division Equity Gaps for Fall 2019 vs Fall 2020

First Time Freshman 4 year Graduation Rates

In the Fall, all of the CSU campuses received updates on their progress toward their Graduation Initiative 2025 (GI2025) goals. CSUN made considerable progress toward our first-time freshman (FTF) 4-year graduation rate target, with a 22% 4-year graduation rate among the Fall 2016 FTF cohort.

Graph of First Time Freshman 4 year Graduation Rates and GI 2025 Goals

First Time Transfer 4 year Graduation Rates

Our 6-year FTF graduation rate dropped slightly, to 54%. We also saw a strong increase in our first-time transfer (FTT) 2-year graduation rate, to 44%, which exceeds our GI2025 target. The 4-year FTT graduation rate stayed steady at 77%.

Graph of First Time Transfer 4 year Graduation Rates and GI 2025 Goals

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