1. Announcements
The Provost’s Office has initiated the process of selecting a search committee for the election of a Dean to the College of Humanities. They would like to have a committee in place in November, and this semester the committee will work on the advertisement, a timeline, and an evaluation instrument. The bulk of the work will happen in Spring 2020. Three tenured associate or full professors from three different departments will be elected. Department chairs are also eligible for nomination and election. By November 8, 2019, please send Noreen Galvin (noreen.galvin@csun.edu) your nominations of faculty who are willing to serve on the committee. In order to have the committee finalized before Thanksgiving, the election will be held during the week of November 11-15.
2. Reminders
CSUN Faculty Mentor Program & Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) has issued a Call for Nominations for
Don Dorsey Excellence in Mentoring Awards for 2019, which awards exceptional contributions to the mentoring of past or present CSUN students, especially EOP students. Application deadline: tomorrow, October 25, 2019 by 5:00 p.m. For more information, visit Apply.
Im addition to normal travel funds for students through Graduate Studies and Associated Students, this year Graduate Studies is offering an additional $300 for students to attend (not even necessarily present) at a conference for educational and/or career advancement (networking with potential faculty, learning more about a given field, etc). Contact Hedy Carpenter in Graduate Studies if you have questions (hcarpenter@csun.edu).
The Faculty Development Office is offering the following workshops:
Online Teaching and Learning Series
Tuesday, Oct. 29 & Nov. 5, 1:00-4:00 p.m. or
Wednesdays, Oct. 30 & Nov. 6, 9:30am-12:00 p.m.
Oviatt Library 30
For more information, visit https://www.csun.edu/undergraduate-studies/faculty-development/events.
3. Opportunities
Northridge Academy High School (NAHS) is seeking writing tutors for their after school program. The program runs Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:15-4:45 p.m. at NAHS for all of 2019-2020 (except school holidays/breaks). They are eager to get this program running and are flexible with scheduling tutoring days for Fall 2019 and/or Spring 2020. If interested, please send the following information to cathy.gaspard@csun.edu (CSUN Liaison) AND tmL0044@lausd.net (Tania Lopez): your name; your greatest strength in writing, the semester you are available (Fall 2019, Spring 2020, or both); the days you anticipate being available; your preferred email and phone number; and your motivation to tutor.
The graduate students of the University of California, Riverside’s Department of English invite proposals for Disjunctions, their department’s annual graduate conference. This year’s conference theme is “Read for Filth.” Please see their CFP for more information regarding their theme. The two-day conference will be held on April 16-17, 2020 at the UC Riverside campus. The deadline for proposals is January 10, 2020. The CFP is also available at:
The STARTALK Russian Language and Cultural Immersion Program is seeking a student assistant to support the program director for approximately 10 hours per week. Specific hours and scheduling has some flexibility. Computer knowledge and advanced skills in standard office software – including Microsoft Office Suite – is required. Thorough knowledge of correct English grammar, spelling, and punctuation is also required and some experience creating professional documents – letters, reports, emails, etc. – is highly preferred. Salary: $14.25 per hour. Email resume to dina.mokhnatkin@csun.edu. Please include all relevant skills and work experience.
Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program supports high-caliber scholarship in the social sciences and humanities, making it possible for the recipients to devote time to research and writing that addresses pressing issues and cultural transitions affecting us at home and abroad. For more information, guidelines can be found at: 2020 Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program. If you have any question, please contact Liza Johnston, Grants & Contracts Analyst in RSP at liza.johnston@csun.edu or at ext. 3441.
This is an invitation to participate in a showcase of student work (113A/114A/115)! All composition instructors, students, writing support centers, departments, programs are welcome. The Whitsett room has been reserved for the following dates/times:
Tuesday, December 3, 2019: 8:00-11:00 a.m.
Friday, December 6, 2019: 8:00-11:00 a.m.
This event is an opportunity for faculty and students to share the wonderful work produced by students in writing courses. Each participating class will have a space in the Whitsett room to display their work. CSUN Campus Writing Centers, Tutoring Centers, Writing Labs, and Supplemental Instruction (and S.I.), and tutors are also invited to share their excellent student support services.
4. Achievements
Dorothy Barresi’s recent book of poems is reviewed in the Fall 2019 issue of The Georgia Review: “The Necessary Impossibilities of Poetry (on Terrance Hayes’ American Sonnets for My Past and Future Assassin; Dorothy Barresi’s What We Did While We Made More Guns; Analicia Sotelo’s Virgin; and Kevin Prufer’s How He Loved Them). Her poem “Given To” has been accepted for publication in a special California issue of Terminus, guest edited by Ilya Kaminsky. Three poems from Guns will be reprinted in a special issue of Pratik. She will take part in a Pratik reading on April 5 at the Muzeo Museum and Cultural Center in Anaheim.